Friday, November 28, 2008

Costco, the flower mart, and CSI

My in-laws called us this morning because it was Thanksgiving Day for them and my side of the family was there, too. So we got to talk to them and my parents and sister. Then Michele got ready for her outing and asked if we wanted to see her off. Turned out that she will be gone till Sunday, didn't know where she'd be and couldn't bring the cell phone. So of course I went along to find out just what was going on. I found out that it is some sort of religious retreat, they don't allow any electronics, and the new kids aren't supposed to know where they are going or what they will be doing. Well, HELLO, their parents still need to know! So then I waited with her 'till their bus came, an hour later. One of my friends from the quilt group had 3 kids going so it must have been ok.
Afterwards, I stopped by the Dragon Hill Lodge to see if cell phones were on sale. Then off to the thrift shop to meet Nancy who invited a bunch of us to go to Costco with her. First we went to the flower mart. We all bought some cut flowers. I only did because Michele had brought me some from a friend's mother and it needed a few more stems to fill the vase. I got roses and carnations. In another building we bought pointsettias.
We drove from the flower mart to Costco. It was a big building, crowded. Well, I think we all got something, like napkins, juice, pizzas, grapes, Ziplocks, etc. Then we had lunch there as it is so inexpensive. Just as we were checking out, I rushed to the sushi counter to get a large platter. It is cheaper than in the commissary and I wanted to get it at the last minute.
Nancy drove each of us back to our homes. She dropped me by the gate and I called Chris to help me carry my purchases over the bridge. He had been watching a movie and, after it ended, he gave me a massage. He asked what else I wanted and I replied "Sushi and candlelight". So he lit a candle and fed me sushi in bed. It pays to be gone for the day! BTW, the sushi was excellent!
We watched more movies and took a nap. I had put my flowers in water when I got home, but they still weren't looking good. So then I cut a few inches off of each stem and hoped for the best. We had leftovers and watched CSI on the OCN channel. After the last episode of CSI, a Korean movie came on. I couldn't understand it, but Chris was pretty good at guessing the story line. And I thought he wasn't good at picking up on social cues!

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