Friday, November 14, 2008

Nearby Dongdaemun

I got up early to make lunches, and STAYED up. This is an amazing thing for me. Usually there is an irresistable urge to climb back in bed. But instead, I made bread, did a load of laundry, emptied the dishwasher, followed up on e-mail, cleaned my newest thrift shop chair, assembled the glass doors for the TV stand, and hung some pictures on the wall. Then I went on post to mail a package, get won at the bank. I met Chris for lunch, then dropped in on Michele having lunch with her friends. After that, I met up with Tina and we went to Dongdaemun to follow the flea market signs we'd seen yesterday. Only we couldn't find them today. But a very nice young lady noticed us looking lost and tried to help us. We followed her as she asked around for directions and took us exactly where we wanted to go. She said she'd been to the U.S. and knew what it was like to be lost in a foreign country. She was a life-saver for us. Then we had a ball looking at all kinds of stuff: decorative, old, junky, barely used, yard sale-like, etc. You know, it is HARD to haggle when you don't speak the language. We mostly bought fruit and Korean snacks to try later. I wish I had a pic of the Korean candy shop and all its selections. My best buy was an antique(?) wooden chest(?) that locks. When Chris saw it, he said he couldn't imagine why I would want such a thing. He'll soon find out.

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