Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Programmed to sleep

Last night, I listened to a Youtube audio called “8 Hour Hypnotic Bedtime Story”. It did not seem to be working. Eventually I noticed skips in the story, then longer pauses. I must have been drifting off. So I went to bed. Conclusion – it didn't work any better than falling asleep on my own.
I woke up early, noticing that Chris wasn't in bed anymore. I tried to go back to sleep, but that didn't happen. I made a mental list of things I wanted to accomplish by the end of the day. Finally I got up.
Chris was sitting at his laptop. I opened my laptop to check past messages from Cecily. But I read current e-mail instead. I found a page of audios from the Microbiome summit to listen to. Chris went to work. While listening, I ate half of the coconut that I opened yesterday. I looked through the President's binder. I made notes for the board meeting tomorrow. I saw that Craftsy classes were on sale, so I looked through them and found one that seemed very useful. I ordered it, then watched the section on cowl neck patterns. I wrote down the list of what Cecily is going to pack so I could get started.
I made and ate breakfast. I walked outside to check the slugs; only 20 – 30 today. I had planned to do a flea and tick collar for our sewing project. But when I looked up the project, they were using a purchased bandanna. Also, the instructions said to soak the bandanna in ¼ C water with essential oils, then hang it up to dry. Having a place to dry could be problematic. I pulled out some scraps that would equal the amount of fabric in one of these (although it depends on the length of the dog collar). I soaked it in a ¼ cup of water and wrung it out just slightly. There was water leftover, so I dried the fabric with my iron and dipped it again. That used up the rest, so I concluded that there was enough for two.
I jotted notes for my blog while waiting for my laptop to change pages. For some reason lately, it has been telling me that there is no internet connection, when clearly there is because the audio is still playing. The interview from the Microbiome Summit talked about the benefits of diverse gut flora, particularly soil microorganisms. So I picked some lettuce and a pea pod and ate them.
Chris came home at lunchtime with a box. There was a coffee pot, cacao powder , maca powder, hydrogen peroxide, and slide oil. The coffee pot did not fit all the way inside the coffee maker. Sigh. The oil helped the slide a little, but it still sounded dry. Chris told me he would need more bread tomorrow, so I started a loaf of bread in the breadmaker.
I scanned the last bank receipt from Michele's account. I put enough cash in an envelope to deposit to make the balance a round figure. Chris was skeptical that I would be able to make a deposit or close the account without the passbook, which she lost.
Then I worked on making more effective delta recordings through NeuroProgrammer. I listened to one after I made it, but it did not put me to sleep. So I lowered the carrier frequency and listened again. I could not resist checking e-mail so I shouldn't have been surprised that it did not work either.
Then I ate lunch, not because I had to, but because I was putting off making decisions on the project. I printed the pattern for project. I selected fabrics for both sides. Then Dynee texted, saying her sewing machine sounded odd.
So I went over there to look at it. I found nothing wrong and the stitches were good. We ended up talking about FRG stuff. We looked at her flowers for a bit, then I went home. I cut out the pattern and made the dog bandanna.
Chris came home while I was sewing. I pressed it and tried to take a good photograph. Then I wrote a blurb and posted the project. I figured out that the coffee pot actually does fit if the lid is off.
I collated the recyclables. I found headphones for my phone. I plugged them to the phone and the music started playing, automatically. Inexplicable but convenient.
I packed up the fabrics I used in the project. I also cut a plastic bottle to make a bowl to hold the essential oil solution. I packed some black bags so people could take their wet projects home to dry. Then I started cleaning off the coffee table and the desk. Finally we sat to watch three episodes of The Librarians from Netflix. Really good. Chris went to bed. I stayed up to type up my day, and see if my new delta audio works.
* Is it just my eyes, or is this picture blurry? *

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