Sunday, May 14, 2017

The chairs did not sit well with me.

I listened to my sleep track on my tablet and it worked. But it kept on playing after the track was over. Somewhere in the playlist was the klaxon from the Enterprise. Needless to say, it woke me up. I took off the headphones, turned off the tablet and eventually went back to sleep.
I woke up just after 7:30. I did not hear my alarm go off, but I had to go to the bathroom. I went back to bed. Chris stayed in bed late and did not make it to church. I got up and found a Mother's Day card from him lying on my laptop. He had written a touching sentiment inside. Then I read e-mail and listened to an audio.
At 10, I washed up and got ready for church. I decided to give the new chairs one try, and I did not want to disappoint Ms. Pae who came to church to sit with me. I parked in front of the school and walked to the chapel. I saw that the chairs were set up in the same rows that the pews had been. I sat in my usual place. But at first it didn't seem possible. The chair was so much higher and harder than the pew. And it leaned back. It took me a minute or two to find a way to perch on the chair. Suzanne came and sat beside me. She commented that the chairs were built for tall people. I know,because my heels did not touch the floor. The chaplain explained to the group that he had ordered the chairs in August and they had just been delivered. Also, that they were there because they were more mobile than the pews.
We stood and sang the praise songs. Ms. Pae sat beside Suzanne. Then the choir sang a hymn. We had communion.
Then came the bible reading. The hymnals and Bibles were gone. Each chair had a pocket in back, possibly wide enough for one book, but not very deep. Connie had his Bible, so he read and we listened. Then the chaplain gave a sermon from the book of Exodus where Jethro tells Moses to find men to help him deal with the issues of the people. Nothing about mothers. But several women in the congregation wished me a Happy Mother's Day. In fact, Chong told me to check my Kakaotalk for a message that she'd sent. The sermon went long and my back complained strongly. After the service, I took a pic of the chairs. As I was leaving, the chaplain pulled me aside and said there was going to be a singing Sunday in June. I told him I didn't think I would be back because the chairs were so uncomfortable. He told me he had ordered them from a church supply site and that all of the products were the same height.
After our discussion about chairs, I walked outside and called Chris. Then I drove the car home so I could change clothes. I wrote a note for the CO's suggestion box concerning the chairs. I drove us back to the commissary. I turned in the note. It was a quick trip because we didn't need much.
When we got back, I turned on my phone's wifi and checked Kakaotalk. There was a Mother's Day message forwarded by Chong. I typed a reply. I texted Kurt to find out how to get my tablet to play only the track I wanted. We texted back and forth for some time. I sent him my track so he could try it. He sent me links to sleep tracks that he listens to on Youtube. All that sleep talk nearly did me in. I stopped texting him so he could go to sleep. I watered the plants and picked some of the peas. I listened to a very long interview on the brain microbiome. Then I invited Chris to go for a walk. We walked the trail and back. I wore my new shoes to test the traction and they did well. We stopped to look at the cherries on the one tree that gets cherries. Edible ones, anyway. Chris pointed out that the other cherry trees got cherries, too, but they were small and did not taste good. He found one on the ground and I tried it. Bitter. I found some more and took them home with me. I picked some lettuce and ate it with the bitter cherries. Chris put eggplant in the oven. I read more e-mail. I sprayed my wallhanging with water and hung clothespins on one side to straighten it. When the eggplant was ready, I ate some of that. I also ate an orange. Chris sat with me to watch TV. I got a bowl of blueberries with cinnamon. Then Chris got a bowl of blueberries with cognac. We watched two episodes of Once Upon a Time. I was startled to see that we had run out of episodes. Chris suggested Shetland, so we watched two episodes of that. It was hard for me to understand the Scottish accent, but with Chris' help, I followed the story line. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to blog and choose a track to listen to to fall asleep.

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