Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Sampan boats

Monday night
I played 2048 until 10pm. I went out to see the tailor lady, but she was still working. I checked the observation lounge to see if anything was going on. It was not. So I went back to Dyveen. The tailor left and Cassie came down. The three of us conversed in English so they could practice. I gathered a few more scraps of silk. Then they went for their midnight snack. I went to the room. Chris was already in bed. I put on my nightgown and turned out the lights. I remembered the ipod, and felt my way over to it. I put on the headphones and got in bed. It helped me to sleep.
When I awoke, it seemed too early so I went back to bed. A little later, the daylight seemed stronger. I went to the window to see the scenery. We were moving past mountains with villages. The daylight helped me read my watch. It was exactly 6:45, time for tai chi. But I was reluctant to walk through the ship in my yoga outfit. I did some yoga stretches. I signed onto the tablet and laptop. There was some internet connection so I struggled and prevailed at posting my blog from yesterday. I did not bother with pictures. They can come later.

Then Michele knocked on the door. She was dressed and inviting us to breakfast. Chris asked her for some more of Marie's medicine. I told her I'd be along shortly. I took a shower and got dressed
I went to breakfast with the family. The two ladies came late. The family left one at a time, but I stayed until Ann and Shirley left. I got my pass to leave the ship. Once in the room, I washed clothes in the sink and hung them on the chairs on the balcony. To prepare for the excursion, I searched for fanny pack, but could not find it. Then again, the room was dark because Chris was still sleeping.I followed the family to the excursion. We were handed water and wipes. We walked a trail that included ramps and passageways through other floating vessels. Then we got on sampan boats. A cute young female native tour guide and driver went with us. She talked all the way. The information could have been condensed a lot. She kept telling us we were having a good time and should come back. She sang for us an interactive song and we had to participate. She showed pictures from a book, and kept demanding we look at it, but I wanted to see the countryside. She was selling the book and a set of bookmarks. I didn't have any money, but I didn't tell her that because she might have followed me to the ship to make a sale. Marie tipped for all of us. The guide asked us to write comments on a sheet. I didn't think she wanted my comments.
We got off the boat and walked through all the passageways back to our ship. We were given ginger tea. I checked on Chris. He was still sleeping. I took my tablet and went to the lounge on the 6th floor. I joined Marie there. We watched the countryside and I played 2048 until lunch time. I checked on Chris again, then got a long-sleeve shirt and went to lunch.
Ann and Shirley were not there, although I suspect they came in later. Another couple asked to sit with us. They were from England and we traded stories. They recommended flat coke and bananas for upset stomach. After we ate, Cecily ordered a glass of coke and gave it to me to give to Chris. I took a banana on my way out. When I got to the room, Chris rolled over. I told him the coke and banana were from his mother. I laid down for a bit. I had felt a few twinges in my stomach earlier. Chris got up and opened the drapes. I asked if he wanted tea. He said yes. I heated water in the coffee pot. I went to the tea station on the 5th floor and got several different packets of tea. I asked the tea lady what she recommended and she handed me something I cannot remember. I picked up a honey stick, too. I went back and gave Chris the selections. I made him the chamomile and for me, what I thought was tea but turned out to be coffee.
I poured it away and made mint tea. I used the extra hot water to pour over our toothbrushes. Then I checked on the internet. Nope. I played games on my tablet until I heard the sound of e-mail downloading. I deleted what I could before it stopped. I played again until the sound was back. I deleted all the e-mail I could, then typed up my day so far. Chris ate the banana and read. I posted while I had the chance.

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