Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Behold, I go to prepare a place for you

I went to the hospital with a half-charged phone. I hoped it would be enough. Faye was cuing Dad to get ready for bed. She didn't think he could do this on his own. It was after 11 when she left. I told him he needed to hire some help. I got ready for bed and we went to sleep.
I woke at 5 hearing a splash of water. But I could not see anything on the floor. I tried to go back to sleep. The nurse came in with Synthroid at 6:20. I could not go back to sleep, so I waited in bed until almost 7, then got dressed and opened the blinds. I started preparing his dentures while he called a nurse to remove the cath so he could sit up for breakfast. Breakfast arrived and we finished the dentures. He ate his breakfast and I ate mine.
At nine the day nurse came around to give Dad his meds. Faye is convinced that the Synthroid is why Dad is gaining weight and I think it is the coconut oil. So I posed the question to the RN. She said the Synthroid is helping him absorb the fats and nutrients in his food so he can gain weight. So we are both right. After taking his vitals, she left out one of his meds because it was an anti-hypertensive and his bp was low. She went to check with the doctor to see if he agreed, but she never came back with that medicine - which was a replacement for Rapiflo.
I took a load of stuff out to the car. I unloaded the suitcase, and scraped all the ice and snow from the windows and roof of car. I also cleared the passenger seat so there would be room for him later. I went back to pack another load. The nurse practitioner came to listen to his heart and lungs. I mentioned that he was clear headed at breakfast each day but got less clear during the day. I suggested it might be his medication and she said it was just exertion.
I finished packing and sat with Dad waiting for discharge. 11 am came and went. I went to the nurse's station to find out what we needed to do. She said she was waiting on the doctor to write prescriptions. She went to get them. I waited with Dad. She finally came back with 5 scripts and discharge papers. She went over all the appointments Dad is supposed to make and said Home Health will help him with that. I signed the papers. She got a tech to roll Dad to the main entrance. She had her coat on, Dad had his coat on, and I had my coat on. As we were leaving the room, a lady came in with a lunch tray. I thought it was too late to stay and eat, but she said we could take it with us. She wrapped the entree in paper towels and gave us the plastic cups with grapes and cottage cheese. Then we proceeded to the main entrance. Dad waited while I pulled the car around. The tech made sure he got in and settled. I put his seat belt on and we went home.
When I pulled into the driveway, I could see the deck was covered in ice and sleet. It looked to be dangerous for me, not to mention him. Maybe we should have stayed for lunch. Finally I got the rollator and we went up the wheelchair ramp. The rollator had no traction and it was a minor miracle that we got up and to the house. He rolled inside and settled on a chair in the kitchen. I turned around to unload the car, but he insisted on helping me. So I suggested we eat lunch first. I went to get the suitcase which had lunch in it. When I got back he was standing by the back door holding it open for me. I got him seated again and ready to eat. I pulled out a salad I had packed last night. We ate together, though I finished first as always. I gave him a fat bomb and some MCT oil.
After lunch he wanted a nap. So I saw him settled before I unloaded the rest of the car and laid down myself. We went to sleep. But the phone rang. It woke me up. I did not hear a message, so I tried to go back to sleep. At least until I heard Dad walking around. He wanted to eat something and I wanted us to get something done before that so life isn't all eating and sleeping. I gave him some bills to pay. It took him a long time. William came over and started clearing off a book shelf, which took Dad's attention away from the check. William put a bunch of aluminum bakeware in the recycle pile. After William left, Dad remarked that he liked the way we cleared some space on the shelves. I helped him finish the checks and ready to mail. I put the leftover rotisserie chicken in a pot with some water and simmered it. I looked for rice to cook, but did not see any. I gave some chicken to Dad and took some for myself. Then we had some sauerkraut and artichoke hearts. A lady from Home Health called to say she wanted to come tomorrow. I said fine. I started writing my blog. Dad went around the house looking at all the shavers, trying to find 'the one'. He said it was not the one he had at the hospital. He was confused about what made it 'the one'. I kept writing. Chris called for a short time. Dad was using the walker without wheels. He said he wanted wheels. I found one with wheels in the closet, but he said it was too wide. So I got out Mom's rollator. He rolled around the house with that for awhile. Then we adjusted the height.
He told me to go to bed. I wasn't done writing yet. He started his dentures and took his meds, with a little coaching from me about which pills the hospital had already given him today. I finished up my blog and posted it, not sure if we were really done for the day.

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