Monday, February 11, 2019

Ran out of time again

I ran out of time and published my blog post incomplete. I threw on my coat, grabbed my rolling suitcase and headed to the car. I put the trash in the outdoor trash can, but did not have time to make the extra trip to run it to the street.
I got to the hospital just before the doors locked. Dad was in bed. I showed Faye the word search book. She gave it to Dad and he started working a puzzle. We talked about bills. She gave me some to mail, but because I can't mail them until tomorrow evening, she took them with her. After she left, I took my evening supplements and turned out the lights.
We slept through the night, woken at 5:55 for Synthroid. I covered my eyes to avoid the lights. She drained his bag and left. About 7 I got up to let daylight in. Dad was not ready to wake up. I got dressed and started his dentures. I moved the cath bag so he could sit in the chair. I cleared the table and breakfast arrived. I put a fat bomb in his oatmeal. He peeled the eggs while waiting for the dentures to dry. After swishing with salt water, he put in his upper denture and ate. I took my morning supplements and ate my breakfast.
I gave him a tub of water to wash up after breakfast and I handed him clothes. I called a nurse to remove the cath. We got into a discussion of vitamin patches. After she left, Dad got in bed to rest. But instead of resting, he decided to write in his calendar, and then do his hearing aids. He needed help with that and was frustrated that I couldn't make the left one fit right. He laid back again for 20 minutes. I tapped while he rested. He moved to his wheelchair and put his shoes on.
The OT came at 10:30. They worked on fine motor skills and following medication directions: he separated beads by color and size, and dropped them into round pill boxes, then screwed them together. He put key-shaped pegs into key-shaped holes. He practiced changing hearing aid batteries, and using a 4-row pill box to dispense meds according to trial directions. Then she put a gait belt on him and walked him back to the room. She talked about how he needed to take a course to be cleared to drive again.
She left and lunch arrived. I put a bib on him and took the gait belt off. Heather was passing by so I gave it to her. I added a coconut fat bomb and some flaked salmon to his lunch. I ate avocado, carrots, an apple and salmon. The nurse leader came in. She got Monica to put the support socks on. Then he looked over his calendar before the speech therapist came.

At 1:45 the speech therapist arrived. She reviewed his calendar and talked about his medications and what they are for. She turned him over to PT, who walked him and then put him on a reclining stepper for 10 minutes. He also practiced weight shifting, by tapping a step with each foot. I was so tired I could hardly stand.
We went back to the room and napped. He went to the bathroom by himself and got himself ready for supper. Faye arrived just after it did. We talked, I went home, and got the mail. William was here cleaning stuff out of the room Patrick will stay in. We talked. I cooked chicken and broccoli. I made a salad. I talked to Chris. I ran out of time for washing dishes and packing meals. So I jotted quickly the highlights of the day and ran back to the hospital.

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