Sunday, February 24, 2019

Catching up

I slept through the night, waking early and not knowing the time, but figuring I didn't need to get up yet. When I did get up, it was 8am. I took a shower and got dressed for church. I noticed how clean the tub was and asked Chris if he had cleaned it (or if my eyesight got worse).
I glanced at e-mail. I did some unpacking. I walked around the house wondering if I was forgetting something. At 9 I got in my car and went to church.
When I arrived, the choir was already standing at the front to rehearse. I joined them. Members greeted me warmly and I explained briefly why I was absent. Jennifer gave me the music and we practiced. It sounded familiar. Maybe we sang it last year?
Afterward, I spoke to Barbara and Jim for a bit, then got a bulletin. I apologized to the treasurer and Lars for dropping out of sight so quickly without warning. They were ok with it.
For the sermon, we had a bishop who spoke about serving those most in need, and installing our new interim pastor. There was a Rite of installation. After the service, there was a finger-food reception. I was so busy talking to people that I almost did not meet the new pastor. But his wife introduced herself. She knew who I was from comments of choir members. She is now part of the choir!
I went home, my feet hurting from wearing heels. I changed my clothes and unpacked most of my suitcases. I had to refill some of my breakfast containers so I could make breakfast. It was 2pm when I sat down to eat. I also read e-mail. Chris was doing taxes and asked me a few questions. Then I went outside for a walk because it was such a nice day. There were signs of spring everywhere, not like Virginia. I was pleased to see a daffodil in my front yard. Plus, the amaryllis was sprouting in the white enclosure behind. And on the front porch, the Easter lily had grown almost 2 feet.
After the walk, I sat down at my laptop to post to my blog. Then I read about how people with hypothyroidism can lose weight. It sounded like they had other problems at the same time. I read about a service that delivers meals to the elderly in Dad's area. But when I read the menus, they didn't sound much better than what he already eats.
I called Faye to see how things were going with her and Dad. He dressed himself again today without help. They went to the mall after church, where he walked and napped and walked again.
I made up two weeks worth of supplements. Chris cooked yucca and I ate it with the lamb from last night. I also made a small salad. I texted my massage therapist. I moved my laptop to the guest room. But then I had a very weak wi-fi connection. I had to unwrap the router to use Skype. I met with my tapping buddy. It took us almost 2 hours to catch up and do some tapping. Then I returned my laptop to the diningroom table.
Chris and I watched two episodes of ST:NG. After I posted to my blog, we went to bed.
* Signs of spring *

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