Thursday, February 7, 2019

Stepping carefully

I got to the hospital around 10. The nurse was getting Dad ready for bed. Faye and I talked for awhile, then she left. She went by the house to drop off the chicken Kevin made.
I turned out the light and got ready for bed myself. I laid down, but had trouble falling asleep. At 4am Dad woke up and sat on the edge of the bed. I got up to tell him that it was not time to get up, and he laid down again. I tried to fall asleep again, but it didn't work. The nurse checked on us and asked if I needed anything. I asked for hydrogen peroxide. She found me a bottle and I put some in my ears because there was a tickle in my throat. I worried about being sick and all the ramifications until another nurse came with a pill for Dad. He took it and laid down again. But it was almost 7. So I got up and got dressed. I opened the blinds. I soaked my toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide.
Breakfast came and it had the wrong yogurt. I added a fat bomb to his oatmeal. He was supposed to eat in his wheelchair, but the nurses were too busy to get him up. Pastor Dave came to visit. I gave Dad food in bed. I took my supplements and then ate breakfast. Finally a nurse came to take him to the bathroom and then put him in his wheelchair. He left, so I handed Dad his clothes. He dressed himself with little assistance.
We went for a walk down to the end of the hall and back. Then I got out my tablet with a keyboard app. He played Moon River. Then he looked over his homework from yesterday.
The speech therapist came before the schedule did. She was happy with his homework. She read Dad short three-sentence stories and asked him questions. I think he paused before answering because he did not want to give just the obvious answer, and it sounded like he didn't know. Still, she was pleased and said she'd be by later with homework.
Then he had a short break until an OT arrived. She took him to the gym to match playing cards with velcro on them. Dad did the whole board. Then I took him back to the room.
The usual OT came. She was pleased that he had dressed himself and wanted to see him do it again. I noticed a red spot behind his shoulder and she thought it was a pressure wound.
The NP came and Dad wanted her to know that he thought he saw blood in the toilet.
Lunch was ready soon. He ate his and I ate mine. I made changes to his menu for tomorrow because he got an open faced sandwich. At 1:30 the PT came for him. They went to the gym. She walked him, then set up several kinds of obstacle courses for him to navigate. And an incline ramp. He was not happy with his attempt and asked if he could try it again later. She was happy with his progress and another patient remarked that he had come a long way.
It was 3 till we got back to the room. I was dizzy and exhausted. I laid down on the bed. He laid down too, and we both took a nap. Then the speech therapist came by with his homework. I laid it where he could find it. I packed up my stuff and left the hospital. I don't think they want sick people in their hospital.
When I got home, I got the mail. I put clothes in the washer. I laid on the vibrating recliner, but my phone kept ringing or texting. With all the body aches, I could not relax anyway. I put extra vitamin patches on and drank water. I called Chris. William called while I was laying on the couch. He was at the Vitamin Shoppe. I nearly fell asleep then. Due to the info he provided, I chose vit D3, vit C, flaxseed, and Dr. Bronner's soap. He came by the house to deliver them and I paid him. He harped on the benefits of the rollator he bought last weekend. I took the supplements and ate a piece of Kevin's chicken. I put the clothes in the dryer. I tried to lay down again. I noticed the toilet was running and I had to turn the water off to stop it.
I started writing my blog and realized I did not have the notes I spent all day taking. Sigh. Maybe I belong there with Dad. I called Faye and asked her to read my blog notes. They were more or less what I have written here. I washed dishes, then packed a breakfast and lunch. I took more of my vitamins. Then I posted to my blog and got ready to leave, knowing I wasn't going to make it before the doors locked.

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