Friday, February 22, 2019

It's all in how you look at it

It was almost midnight till I got to lie down on the couch and cover up with a sheet. Contrary to what Chris thinks, It was not the most comfortable place to sleep. I heard Dad get up several times during the night, even though he stopped drinking water around 6pm. I heard him walk out to the den so I got up to check. I put him back to bed, but as soon as I laid down again, he was up. He was looking for his cell phone to see what day it was. I showed him the atomic clock. He still wanted his cell phone and we searched for it for over an hour. I texted Faye and William to see if they knew where it was.
I suggested he sit with a hot water pack and then a cold pack on his back, and he did that. Then he worked on his dentures while I got my breakfast made. I made some oatmeal for him and he poured himself a bowl of Total and Shredded Wheat. Thankfully Faye had bought him a new jug of milk because his was a month old. I ate my breakfast while sitting on the blue chair in the den. From there, I looked into the kitchen and saw something black under a bag of almonds. I was surprised to find out it was his cell phone because I had looked there umpteen times. I guess it's all in how you look at it.
Before he finished the cereal, I suggested he get dressed so as to be ready for the PT who was coming at 11. We went to the bedroom where he dressed himself for the most part. I helped with the shoes and socks so it would go faster. (The tet hose was quite challenging). Then he finished his cereal and waited in the livingroom. I worked at untangling a spool of brown thread so I could work on the bibs.
I finally got a usable end and threaded the machine when the PT knocked at the door. Dad had not seen her drive up. She asked a lot of questions and recorded the answers on a tablet. Then she checked his vitals and had him walk to his bedroom and into the bathroom so she could see it. She said the red step thing needed to go. She commented positively on his walking ability.
It was time for lunch. We had a big discussion about how he needed to eat more protein and fat, but he wanted his usual lunch. I gave him some yogurt and a hard boiled egg. I chopped an egg into yogurt and made egg salad for myself. He sat on the rollator to eat lunch. He made himself his usual lunch of shredded wheat, diced tomatoes, and vegetable casserole. I put in some sauerkraut for probiotics, and gave him a fat bomb later.
I trimmed the dead leaves from plants and threw them away. Then I vacuumed the livingroom and dining room and kitchen. I jotted some notes for my blog. The trash bag was full so I took it out.
When Dad was done eating, I talked him into going to Fresh Market. I was tired, but we had been needing groceries since he got home from the hospital. We took his shopping list. When we got to the store, I pushed the cart and he pushed the rollator. I followed him. He kept asking me what we had in the fridge. He did not write the answers down, so I had to answer the same questions over and over. We got produce and crackers and milk. I had him try a few new foods, like olives and guacamole. I did not push him to buy more cruciferous veggies because I did not know if Kevin was going to come next week. A lady offered to help us carry our grocery bags to the car. It was nice of her to offer so I accepted, even though I could have pushed the cart out to the car with no problem.
I put the food away. I put some corn casserole in both our bowls and split a package of salmon with him. William called just as Patrick walked in the door with a sub for Dad. I made a large salad, but could not eat it all so I gave some to Dad. I talked to Faye. William called and I asked him to buy us a rotisserie chicken since he was going to the store. When he got here, Dad said he wasn't hungry but he ate a wing anyway. I was going to make cruciferous juice for Dad, but discovered that I did not have all the ingredients. I called William back to ask him to pick up some things on his next grocery run.
I washed dishes, and made more fat bombs while Dad watched news shows. I got the sewing machine threaded and sewed the bib parts together with tan thread, then put the dark brown on for the top stitching. Then I pulled the coconut oil bombs from the fridge, popped them out into a bag, and poured more coconut oil bombs. I did not add MCT oil this time because it does not solidify and just makes a mess. I called Chris who is looking forward to seeing me tomorrow.
Patrick came back around 10 and talked about boxing up books all day. Then he went out for a burger (walking in the rain). I salvaged some velcro from an old something and used it on the bib to make the ends stick together. Dad let me take his picture with the new bib, but he wants to give it to another man at church. I finished up my blog post and helped Dad get to bed.

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