Thursday, February 28, 2019

Massage day

I got up around 9, surprised it was so late. I swished and did some handsewing on the banner. I turned on the router to listen to Day 3 presentations. I swept the floor in the kitchen. I rinsed the sprouts. I made another Swansons order when I realized I was low on ghee. I made and ate breakfast. I made seed crackers and left them in the oven to crisp up. Then I got dressed. There was loud thunder and the rain hit. So I left my machine at home, and just took an umbrella to quilting.
There were more ladies there than I expected. But I easily found a seat. I talked to Marjory and Carol until Marjory left. Then I sat by Leanne who was stitching together lace panels for an angel. Leanne was wearing a pretty embroidered top that she said hadn't cost that much. Other ladies were piecing or binding. But I was just there to talk.
At 1:45 I left for an appointment. I got to Ruth's Nutrition ahead of Gabriele. When she arrived and got the room ready, I went back there. We talked for a bit, then I got on the table and she massaged my back at length. Apparently it was really tight. We talked on and off during the massage. When it was over, I got dressed and paid her. She put me on the wait list for next week. While she prepared for her next customer, I looked at probiotics for sale in the refrigerated section, then headed out.
On the way home, I stopped at an Asian store for coconuts. They were on sale 2 for $3, so I bought four. When I got home, Chris was there. I checked the mail and found one piece was for our neighbor. So I went there first and handed it to him. Then I picked up the coconuts and went in the house. I ate a seed cracker with hummus. I listened to last part of Tapping Summit Day 3. I checked e-mail, then went for a walk. It was not raining, but everything was wet. I had misplaced my keys since coming home. But then I found them caught up in my umbrella. I called Dad to see if he ate his fat bombs and drank enough water. I was looking for blueberries in the freezer, but found watermelon instead. So I ate that. Then I made salad and ate some lamb while listening and playing Solitaire. I started listening to the Day 4 interviews.
When Chris was ready, I made some tea and drank it while we watched two episodes of ST:NG. Chris was falling asleep but I kept him up until the show was over. Then he went to bed without making his lunch. I stayed up to blog.

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