Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The best laid plans...

Today I had planned to help out at the thrift shop, but... I had misplaced my ration card so I had to replace it. But first it would make sense to search the last place I saw it, so I called Chris to drive me to Gate 20. No luck there, but he took me to lunch. Then I went to the Ration Card office, but they were closed until 1. So I got my request for use of the cafeteria form signed and turned into the school. (The guy who signed the form says they are going to buy a long arm quilting machine for post and he wants me to be the point of contact!) When the ration office opened, they informed me that I had to make a report to the MP office first and get Chris' boss' signature. Well, that's a long walk, but I went there, filled out the form, went to Chris's office for the signature and came back. After reviewing the form, the lady said I could pick up my card on Thursday afternoon. By then it was after 2 so the thrift shop was closed and I went home. I got started making the scrap blocks for the purple quilt I have been meaning to make. Then I realized that one of the squares I cut has a hole in it and has to be replaced. So I took a break and watched a Netflix movie with Chris. He has to get up extra early tomorrow, so now its off to bed.

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