Saturday, January 14, 2017

Bernie's Baby Shower

I got up and squeezed half a lemon into a quart of water. I drank it as I deleted e-mail that I don't intend to read. Then I picked up the quilt and resumed work on the binding. My fingers got sore but I kept going. Chris showered, dressed and went to work. I kept stitching and listening to audios. I stopped to have breakfast, then went back to work. When that was done, I quilted around the stems. I found a few places that did not get quilted in the flower part and the mountain part, so I quilted those. Then there was a long pucker on the back where the seam was not fully extended before the batting was added. I could not figure out how that happened. I ironed it as flat as possible, then whip-stitched it down. Then I took a shower and got dressed.
It was already after one. I put some planes in a bag for Amber. I put the quilt in three grocery bags so it would not be obvious. Then I walked down to Anna's house. It was really cold outside. When I got there, the house was full of people. Even the admiral's wife was there. Myra was helping in the kitchen. Anna was hoarse from giving instructions. I put the bag of quilt under the coffee table where the other gifts were. There were two interesting diaper cakes on the table. I talked to Mari at length about Guam. She just moved from there. She told me the story of Two Lover's Point – one place we did not get to. Other people were eating, so I made a pass at the table loaded with food. I had some fruit and little skewers with tomato and cheese. Then we played some games. One was to pair up celebrities with their baby pictures. Another was to steal clothespins from other people whenever they said the word 'baby'. Three good sports chugged water from baby bottles in a race. Play-doh was handed out and we sculpted babies. Bernie judged the contest and prizes were handed out. Then she opened her gifts: diapers, fruit, children's Bible, onsies, blankets, towels, something called a GRO, pacifiers, and 2 quilts. Myra's was unwrapped first and several ladies exclaimed that they would get pregnant just to get one. Then mine was unwrapped, and the reaction was much the same. After all the gifts were unwrapped, the cake was brought out. We had to do a group photo with it. Then most people went home. Some stayed for cake. Anna handed out thanks-for-coming boxes of biscotti. I thanked her and took it for Chris. Then I walked home. On the way I discovered that I had the planes Amber wanted and paid me for. I considered walking back, but was tired and decided it could wait. When I got home, Chris was on his laptop. He was getting ready to go to the movie Rogue One. I was tired and did not want to go. So he asked for the car key and it took me a while to find it (in a coat pocket). Then he left. I texted Kelly about her going-away dinner. I sat down to catch up on e-mail. Anna posted that she wanted pics of the shower, so I cropped mine and sent them. I started listening to day 4 of Vaccines Revealed. I got hungry so I ate. At 6, she called to ask where I was. Apparently I missed her immediate reply that everyone was meeting at the commissary at 6. I apologized and begged off because of the cold. Then I did some yoga while listening. Chris came back from the movie just before it ended. After it finished, I processed some more e-mail, then jotted notes for my blog. Chris sat with me and we watched a movie called “Waffle Street” with Danny Glover. I looked up a few of the other actors, but apparently they hadn't been in anything I would have remembered them from. Chris went to bed and then so did I.

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