Tuesday, January 31, 2017

More fish and a meeting

I woke up doing math in my head. I cannot not now remember what I was figuring out. I heard Chris leave for work. I got up soon after 8, eager to sew. But, I sat down with my quart of water and read e-mail first. Then I listened to some interviews from the Autoimmune Revolution Summit while I sewed fish blocks. Chris came home for lunch. Still no box from Faye in the mail. He asked who this fish quilt is for and I told him it was for the acupuncturist. He thought that was funny. I watched quick quilt tutorials, looking for one to use for class tomorrow. But nothing quite fit the bill. Then I called Myra to see if the sewing group was scheduled to meet in the chapel tomorrow. She said she was about to go down there and check on it. I had to go there for a meeting, as a representative for the FRG. I took a clipboard with me. I put on my coat and headed out. As I passed Housing, Myra came out. She said the marines had taken over the second floor, which is where we usually meet to sew. We walked down to the chapel together. A handful of guys were there waiting for the meeting. Ms. Song showed me her calendar and said we could meet at the chapel on Wednesdays except for the 22rd of February. Myra took over for me when I had to follow the men into the meeting room. The discussion was about MWR giving NFE's space to sell at the next port call. MWR said yes, as long as we don't sell anything that MWR is selling. I took notes and tried to stay out of the discussion so I wouldn't inadvertently volunteer or get volunteered for anything. Amber had asked me to take her place and make notes. But her husband was there taking notes for his NFE, so I wasn't sure why I needed to be there. Basically the plan is to have all the groups participate in making food (TBD) to sell to sailors coming off the ship. How to split the profits was talked about, too. With my math background, I was asked to find an algorithm to work it out. At the end we agreed to meet again next week. I sincerely hoped Amber would be able to make it. I went home, typed up my notes, and e-mailed them to her. I composed a post to the community Facebook page to announce class tomorrow. Then I laid out my fish blocks on the cutting room table. I made 8 more blocks to round it out. I added some scraps of blue to fill in the sides. I laid out the extra triangle border from the first fish quilt. There wasn't enough, so I went looking for more strips. I sewed some together, but could not remember the procedure. I went to my laptop to look it up, but got sidetracked. I put on an interview and listened to it while doing Sudoku puzzles. Chris finally came home from work and made himself supper. Then we watched an episode of Legends. But it was pretty violent and I asked if we could find something else to watch. So, with a bit of searching, he came up with the Adventures of Merlin. We watched one episode and it seemed to be ok. Chris went to bed so he could get up really early for a call at the office. I stayed up to blog and then went to bed myself.

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