Thursday, January 19, 2017

FRG meeting

It was some time after 8 when I got up. I oiled my hair. I drank water and read e-mail. I made and ate breakfast. I worked several Sudoku puzzles, but then got stuck. I researched krill oil brands and sunflower seeds to put an Amazon order together. Chris came home for a late lunch. I was listening to the last day of “Vaccines Revealed”. We had an argument about the information presented. But he stayed for a long time explaining his point of view. Finally he went back to work. It was too late to go for a massage. I did not have an appointment anyway since it was closed last week. I took a shower and washed my hair but did not get all the oil out. I wanted to go to the bank but my hair was still wet. I called Myra to find out our plane schedule so we could contact the taxi man. We talked so long that the bank was closed. Amber had posted this morning that she was having an FRG meeting this evening. I texted Dynee to see if she wanted to walk with me when the time came. Then I made cookies with a banana, egg, oatmeal, coconut flakes, walnuts, cranberries, butter and sunflower seeds. I put them on parchment paper on a baking sheet in the oven. But after 15 minutes they were not done. I added 5 minutes, then turned them over and added 7 more. I still wasn't sure they were done all the way through, so I turned off the oven and left them in. Dynee was knocking at my door. I put on my coat and shoes and went outside. Just then, Carolyn was passing by and offered us a ride. We accepted. We parked by the school and walked to the chapel. Only Maria and Amber were there. Soon Myra came, and then Anna, then Ryan, then Kathy – although by then the meeting was well underway. Amber had everything she wanted to talk about listed on the board. I have tried to convince her to let me be chairman but evidently she doesn't know what that means. With no notice, I could not lead the meeting. She led the meeting herself. But when it came to fundraising, Ryan came up with the idea of having a tent with MWR in Busan. Since Amber will be absent for weeks before, he suggested that she have a committee to work on it and make decisions on behalf of the FRG. She indicated me because I am the 'chairperson'. I don't know that I am a good candidate because I am the one person who wasn't gushing over the chance to raise money, rather wondering who in Chinhae would be willing to spend their whole day in Busan selling from a tent in cold weather. But there were other hurdles to be overcome before it would even be an issue. After the meeting, we sat around talking. I asked Dynee about getting yen for the trip and using our Korean phones. Then she and Ryan gave me a ride home. I grabbed two cookies from the oven and brought them next door since Dynee wanted to try them. I put the rest in a bag in the fridge. I peeled and ate more of the root vegetable. I jotted a short to-do list for tomorrow. I read e-mail and listened to some ASMR videos on Youtube. I has hoping they would induce sleep. I was about to do some tapping when Chris came home from work. He asked me to select something to watch from Netflix. I picked “From Time to Time”. He made himself supper and ate it while we watched the movie. It started slow but was pretty good after all. Then his phone timer sounded. He rushed out to work for a special phone call. I took my evening dose of magnesium and melatonin. I wrote up my blog post for the day. I finished the Sudoku puzzle from this morning. I did Brad's latest tapping video. Then it was time to post my blog and go to bed.
* one of the little stores in Chamorro village in Guam. *

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