Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Needled again

I got up at 7 when Chris' alarm went off. He was already up. I drank my quart of water and checked e-mail. Someone on Quora asked what was the dark side of living in South Korea. Normally I don't read Quora because it makes time disappear, but today I could not resist and soon it was 8 and Chris was leaving for work. I took a shower and got dressed to wait for Myra's phone call. Kurt skyped me to show me his new shelves. We talked until Myra called and said she was coming to pick me up. I put on my shoes and got my acupuncture stuff. I watered the tomatoes outside for 1 minute, and then Myra and Anna were here. I jumped in the car and we went to Turtle Cove to meet Susan. We sat around a table. The others ordered the buffet. All I got was tea. At $1.75, that was an expensive bag of Lipton. The chitchat went on and on. I kept checking the clock. It was 11:20 when we got up.
Myra took Anna home and Susan dropped me off at the bus stop right outside of post. I checked the bus display, and it said the next bus would leave the station at 12:37. My appt was at 12:30 so I could not wait. Therefore, I walked. I am guessing it was almost 2 miles. But nearing Home Plus, I checked my watch thinking it should be around noon, but my watch read 1. I called Myra to see if we left later than I thought. I guess we did. Maybe the clocks at Turtle Cove were wrong. I wondered why people came in for lunch so early.
Anyway, I arrived at the doctor's office out of breath. I was given a bed, but no leg massage. The doctor poked his head in almost immediately, but seeing me out of breath, decided to come back in 15 minutes. When he did come back, he invited me into his office. He left me sitting on the bed for a bit then came back. He had me face the wall and stretched each of my arms overhead. He stuck needles in the back of my neck, but not for long. He asked if one leg was tight. He stuck needles in my butt, again not for long. One of them hurt like the dickens. Then he put needles in my stomach, and read over my questionnaire. He told me he would mix up some herbs for me to pick up tomorrow or Thursday. Since tomorrow is the 5 day market, that would work nicely. But when I mentioned going to Japan, he said I needed a special form to bring the herbs with me on the plane. I did not want to deal with that, so I said I would pick up the herbs next week. He told me to do stretches on my left side only. Then he went to lunch. I left and went across the street to the right to get kimbap. The lady made it fresh. Dr said it did not have MSG. I walked to the bus stop and ate while waiting, picking out the colored radish pieces. I got on the bus and finished my kimbap. Then I waited for my stop.
From the stop, I walked home. I ran into Dynee, so she invited me in and we had a nice chat. She helped me download a better translation app, and showed me the fabric she bought in Seoul. Then I left and brought the food waste container inside. I listened to day 7 of Vaccines Revealed. I made up a batch of seed crackers and cleared e-mail while they were baking. I posted the re-usable swiffer pad to the community facebook page as the latest sewing project. I continued with e-mail for a bit, then switched my attention to the Sudoku book I got for Christmas.
Chris came home really late from work. He made himself supper while I continued to work Sudoku puzzles. I checked for new e-mail, then made myself a salad. I found a movie to watch called “The Giver”. Chris said he had seen it in Honduras, but he watched it with me. It was a fantasy piece about a distopia. Then he went to bed. I stayed up to drink water with vinegar, and tap before blogging and going to bed.

* Houseplants grown wild in Guam *

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