Friday, March 1, 2019

It's such a little leak

I got up around 8:30. I swished and sewed by hand a spot on the banner. I soaked broccoli sprouts for 10 minutes. I drank my quart of water, though not all at once. I took my morning supplements and listened to a tapping audio. I read an article on the brain function benefits of pomegranates. I checked out pomegranate extracts on Swansons.
I made and ate breakfast. I rebooted the laptop twice to get it running better. I listened to a podcast on how eating affects sleep: Kids are sleep-deprived because they have to get up so early for school. Delaying school start time by an hour helps them live longer.
I opened a coconut, drank the water and scraped out the meat. I don't know how indigenous people did this without a knife, hammer and spoon. I mended the Velcro on my purse. I cut a half yard of green fabric for the church. Then I got dressed and went to the First Christian church where we quilt every Monday.
They were having a yard sale. I walked around the area several times. I found some fabric and a stapler. At the checkout spot, the cashier told me how her mother was in the hospital, got therapy, and went home and is now getting stronger.
On the way home, there was a police car parked sideways blocking the intersection going onto post. There was no one in the car so I did not know what to do. Finally a police woman walked up to my car and asked where I was going. When I told her, she suggested I turn around and take Airport road. I told her there was no gate to the arsenal on Airport road, but she insisted that there was, or that I could get to one from Triana. Finally I asked if I could go through the neighborhood on the left and find Gate 10. She said ok, and stopped traffic so I could make a u-turn.
Going in Gate 10 put me near the post office, so I stopped to get our mail. However, there was a yellow slip to pick up a package and the front desk is closed from 1:30 to 2:30. I didn't want to wait, so I went home.
When I got home, I realized that my ID card was the only card in my neck pouch. I walked around the house looking for the cards that must have fallen out. I also checked my car. There was a package from Seed, which turned out to be probiotics. I had no mention of them in my Inbox. I looked them up online. I found I had an account with them to send me probiotics every month. I don't remember ordering but it would have been over a month ago. I changed the date of the next shipment to see if I like these probiotics.
I picked up clutter around the living room in preparation for a visit from an army person tomorrow. I called MaryAnn to catch up. While we were talking, a repair man from Housing came by to say our water heater was leaking and we should make a large pathway in the garage so they could put in a new one. I continued my conversation with MaryAnn. Later Chris came home. When the call was over, I told Chris about the water heater. I checked it myself, and did not see a leak. There was a small amount of water in the pan underneath. Since it is less than a year old, I wish they would just let it be until it becomes a problem. Clearing space in the garage is a major feat.
I picked dandelion from the back yard and soaked some greens. I ate blueberries and watched a tapping video. I made and ate salad, then a piece of lamb. I listened to a podcast with the air tube earbuds while playing Solitaire. Then I called Dad to see if he was drinking and having fat bombs. I started listening to the first presentation from Day 5.
When Chris finished his game, I made tea and sat in the living room to watch ST:NG. I took my evening supplements and drank the tea. We watched the last two episodes of Season 1. Then we went back to our laptops. I wrote up my day and posted to my blog. I soaked my sprouts again before going to bed.
* This is a quilt top that I saw yesterday. *

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