Monday, August 3, 2009

First day at the beach

Sunday we left just before 10:30am. I rode with Marie in her rental Camero, 2010 model. VERY nice car! But the passenger seat is very low, so I could barely see over the dash. I felt so short! (no comments, please) We stopped for lunch at a DQ and had salad. Then we drove a long time and stopped at a grocery store to stock up on food. Next stop: rental agency to get the key. Finally we drove to the beach house. Unpacking the food and kitchen utensils we'd brought took a while. Then we walked over the high dune to see the beach. But a storm was coming, in fact it had rained on us several times. So we stayed in the house after that, fixed supper, talked, read books, fell asleep at the table. I was awoken and told to go to bed. So I did. Unfortunately I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. I had a meditation CD but the batteries kept spluttering out. I must have gone through 4 sets. They were rechargeables that I bought at WalMart and had just charged. Maybe they have to go through a few cycles to get to full power?
When I finally did get to sleep, I slept 'till 7:30. So glad not to be awake at 6. I took a walk on the beach, then a shower. We all had breakfast, then went to the beach with the kids for a swim. The water was COLD! But persistance paid off and I could inch my way in. Actually, the water did not get deeper than knee height between waves for a quite a ways out. It was surprizing. But then I had to get out and warm up again. We finally went in because I was starting to feel burned, even though I was wearing #50 sunblock. We all had sandwiches and fruit for lunch. Then the kids played whle the adults read or went on a food run. I borrowed Al's computer while he was out shopping. Thanks, Al.

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