Tuesday, August 11, 2009

No more double wedding rings for me

Monday I did not get a chance to blog. Cecily drove me to my parents house after lunch. We all had a nice chat. Then my parents left for the fitness center. Being alone, I called William. I thought he was coming to visit me, but he never showed up. I did nothing for awhile, but did not make a dent in all the nothing there was to do. So I had to do something. So I swept the deck and ramps, but then again had nothing to do. Finally it was time to start supper. But then the phone rang and it was Kurt. I tried to make supper while holding the phone, and then remembered the speaker phone option. That was easier. But I still was late and when my parents came home, supper was not ready. After our late supper, we talked about the morning. Then I laid down for just a moment and fell asleep. Tuesday my mom and I went to her church to quilt. She let me drive and it was such a treat. I thought it would be scary after not driving for 11 months, but it actually felt good. The quilt in the frame at church is a Lone Star on a blue background. My mom had just started it recently so we did some marking. Then my sister showed up and the three of us quilted for the rest of the morning. Then Mom and I went home for lunch, stopping off at Good Foods Grocery to get some of the health foods I couldn't find in Korea. One was raw cacoa. It is supposed to be a superfood. Tastes like bitter baking chocolate. Must be healthy. Faye stopped by WalMart then joined us for lunch. Afterwards, we discussed how to finish off a double wedding ring quilt. Finally I decided to stop talking about it and just do it. So while one of them held the quilt, I sewed a double fold quilt binding on it. The corners weren't to my satisfaction, but it was in keeping with the character of the rest of the quilt. We ran out of binding, so after supper we went to Hancocks to get some more. Ah, what a wonderful place! So much selection, all the notions, everything you'd want in a fabric and craft store but can't find in Korea. I was going to buy thread, but the lady told us it would be half price on Saturday. When we got back home, we finished sewing on the binding and I started the slipstitching on the back. Still not the perfect edge I am used to doing, but those inner corners are hard to deal with.

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