Friday, August 28, 2009

My so-called life

I SKYped Chris again this morning. He was having supper. Then I read my e-mail, followed links, and looked up any new terms that appeared. I bought a one-month membership to the Insider's Tapping Club and spent hours listening to the recorded sessions that come with the membership. I also took a break from the computer to work on a QOV. I brought home a kit on Monday and just hadn't gotten around to it yet. Plenty more to do on it, though. In the midafternoon, I caught the post-run bus to the ACS building to see the eye chart again. This time I had my most recent glasses. But my right eye only did one line better. Hmmm. Then I walked to Chris' office to pick up the mail. It was 3:30 and when they saw me come in, they rushed out to get the mail. So I rifled through the mail from the previous week, waiting for them to return. When they did, there wasn't any for us. Then I walked to the commissary to pick up some apple cider vinegar. I couldn't resist buying the BIG bottle even though I had to carry it home. Back at the apartment, I made red beet eggs with the vinegar and Michele made supper. She fried up the little Korean meat patties in a little soy sauce. Then we ate them with chopsticks, trying various sauces: soy with vinegar, wasabi mayo, hot mustard, honey mustard, and a hot red sauce. I think the honey mustard was my favorite. After supper she told me all about her characters in the book she is working on, and what will happen to them. I am glad not to be one of them.
This is the dried squid I called lunch. Very tough. I could soak it in water. If it reanimates, I'll call it FrankenSquid.

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