Saturday, November 7, 2009

My first longarmed quilt (pic later)

I wanted to sleep in, but Chris and Michele got up to play with the voices. And hey, I had stuff to do. I checked e-mail, read all about chocolate, and was in my sewing room trying to clear some space, when the phone rang. Cathy was at the Arts and Crafts center finishing up a quilt on the longarm. She said I could bring something to work on too, but I hadn't finished anything. And I had too much to do. But after I hung up, I thought really hard and remembered that I had a quilt top that was only a border away from being finished. And I have all my scrap blocks to be laid out (if only I had a place big enough). So, I slapped a border on the quilt top, grabbed some batting and backing, gathered all my scrap blocks and headed for the AnC center. Cathy was almost finished with her quilt and Annette was helping her, so I used the big table to lay out my blocks. But when Cathy finished, she and her husband went over to the Px. So I got started piecing the batting to fit my top. When I was about to piece the backing, she called to say that the fabric man had a tent outside the Px and maybe he had some 60 inch fabric. So I drove down there. Turns out he had nothing suitable in 60", but I bought some other stuff anyway. Then I went back and pieced my muslin backing. Cathy came in while I was still pinning it on. She helped me load all the pieces, choose a pattern, and get started. Just after she left, the thread broke and I had to call her back. So she stayed 'till the end. We took the quilt off and cleaned the machine. Then we left. At home, I prepared all my new fabrics to be washed. I checked e-mail again, followed some links, and trimmed my new quilt. It is beautiful, but not perfect. I would post a pic, but it'll be better when it's bound.
P.S. I forgot to say that Cathy got hungry at the AnC center and I offered her some dried seaweed. She tried it but Annette wouldn't. But when I explained that seaweed contains fucoxanthin which is good for weightloss, she changed her mind.

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