Wednesday, December 14, 2016

In a class by myself

I woke up hearing the front door close as Chris left for work. I would like to think I slept a solid 8 hours, but I know I woke up at least twice during the night and had trouble getting back to sleep. I got up, ready to prepare my quart of water, but then I noticed the recyclables. I threw all the plastic in a bag and all the cans in a bag. There was more, but that was the bulk of it. I put on my pajama pants and threw on a coat. I carried the bags out to the curb, hoping not to be noticed. But in a small community like this, someone is always walking by. He waved and said hello so I responded in a like manner. Then I went in, fired up my laptop and drank my water. I got caught up in following links and ran out of time. I ate a few bites of a seed cracker. Then I went to yoga, carrying my mat and stuff for sewing class. Anna passed me on her bike. So she arrived at the room before I did. It was cold, but she had turned on the heat and plugged her tablet into the sound system. She did not have the cord for video, and neither did I. We unrolled our mats and followed the video as best we could. Although it was marked as a beginner class, there wasn't much warm up so it was hard for me. Anna would come behind me occasionally and put down on my shoulders or back for a deeper stretch. I wasn't certain that was a good idea. Anyway, when it was over, we gave each other scalp massages. Then she got a phone call from Suzanne who needed to heat something in the oven. I went home to gather more materials for class. I also ate an apple and grabbed some hot pads for Suzanne. I went back carrying the giant snowflake. But no one seemed interested in making it. Lots of ladies were there. Some worked on stuff they started last week or earlier. Others made Christmas crackers with the toilet paper tubes. In fact, they used them all. Evelin cut strips to sew onto a white fabric to make a tablecloth. Akia and Anna were making dog scoots: an elasticized tube for holding a dog's ears out of his bowl. Lacey was making underwear. Interestingly, they all packed up around 1. Some went home and others went to lunch. I went home to check e-mail and make breakfast. Chris was just finishing lunch. He had put the ham in the oven and it smelled so good. Later, I cut a chunk out for a taste. I jotted notes for my blog. I did today's puzzle. I found my lists of how to pack for a move and added Christmas lights and the box of laces and trims to the 'to pack' list. I sprayed several pieces of paper together to make a stiff pattern for a stuffed Christmas tree. And I was going to make one, too, but Mrs. Kim called to schedule a Wednesday practice, so I told her today would work. I ironed some Christmas fabric for class tonight. I practiced Sleigh Ride a few times, but hopefully not too much. Chris came by (not sure why) to tell me the car did not need a new part; that they opened the dash, popped the button back in place and told him not to push it so hard next time. All for $10! I packed up my trombone and music. I drove to the chapel to meet Mrs. Kim. I had to wait. I did not realize that she was walking down the hill from a lesson near the top. I could have given her a ride! Anyway we practiced Sleigh Ride. For some reason I had more trouble with the accidenals at the chapel than I did at home. She looked at the other songs in my book. She asked if we could play “Santa Claus is coming to Town”. It seemed like an odd request, but she liked the music. Then the chaplain came in. He wanted to have Santa show up during the caroling. It seemed so perfect. Mrs. Kim had the man in the office make copies of the music for her and one for Janelle. Then we left and went our separate ways. I drove home and parked the car. Inside the house, the ham smelled so good that I cut a piece off and ate it. I also made a salad. I ate most of it but ran out of time. I bundled up and walked to Housing. I turned on the outside and inside lights. The machines were still set up from the earlier class. One machine still had its light on. I had made sure all the lights were off when I left so...did someone come back and use the machine? No one was there, so I busied myself making a stuffed tree. Just cutting out the six tree shapes took longer than I thought. I called Dynee to see if she was coming, but she was baking with other ladies. I sewed my six trees together into three pairs. I trimmed the corners and turned them right side out, but realized I had forgotten to clip the inner corners. So I did that, but in doing so, clipped a little too far. I had to re-sew parts. Anna finally arrived. She plugged her tablet into the sound system and we had Christmas music. We chatted as she worked on her project and I worked on mine. I stuffed the three tress lightly and tried to sew them all together down the center. That didn't work, so I sewed two together and then tried to add the third one. Anna said the two together was enough, but three was cuter. And then it was 8:30. So we packed up the fabric, and machines, tables and chairs. Then I took all my stuff home and she did the same. I gave her the music to give to Janelle. I walked home. Chris was there and he told me I was lucky there was ham left. He had it sitting on top of the stove. I ate some, dipped in the juice, and it was very tasty. I finished my salad and read e-mail. Then we watched two episodes of Xena Princess Warrior. Chris went to bed, but I stayed up to blog and answer Facebook messages.
* the third tree is pinned on *

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