Sunday, December 4, 2016

Wreath Day

I got up about 9:50. I was kind of waiting for Chris to go to church so I would know it was 9am, but he did not go ('cause he got up too late) so it threw me off. I did not get to drink my quart of water. I checked my bone broth, then took a shower and got dressed. I picked up the car keys intending to drive myself, but when I got out to the street, our neighbors were just pulling out so I hitched a ride with them. He was able to park right in front of the chapel so I did not have to walk far. When church started, Jane wasn't there. But after the singing, when we were shaking hands, she arrived. She had a cold so did not sit very close to me. The sermon was about the candle of love. After the service, the chaplain announced the holiday services. After the Christmas eve service, there will be singing of songs and playing of instruments. He specifically mentioned trombone. My neighbors gave me a ride home, then headed to the mountains. I checked the broth in the crock pot again. I decided to add a bag of small sweet potatoes that I keep forgetting to cook. Then I decided it was wreath day. I was determined to make a wreath and not let anyone, even myself, stop me. I spent some time choosing fabrics. Then I looked at what other people had done on the internet to see what worked and what didn't. I watched part of a video tutorial to get started. Then Chris called me over to help make decisions on a trip. Together we booked a flight to Guam for the day after Christmas. Mari had told me it was beautiful there. Chris also booked a hotel and rental car. I did not ask how much it cost. Then I went back to my cutting room. I cut strips and squares. I made one reversible square out of the 12 needed, just to make sure I liked it. I put it up against a hinged mirror to see how it would look multiplied. I tried both sides. Making a decision was not easy, but then I could sew in earnest and in assembly line. That makes it go faster. Taking breaks to snack, I spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening sewing. One of my snacks was to pull the onions out of the broth and eat them. I added red borders to green squares, ironed on stabilizer, then sewed them face to face and turned them inside out. Tired, I stopped to practice my trombone and jot notes for my blog. Then I remembered that we went to the commissary this afternoon. We watched the first three episodes of House, season 1. I ate some of the sweet potatoes we put in the bone broth. And it was time to go to bed.
* Another pic from the antique shop. Hopefully tomorrow there will be a pic of a wreath. *

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