Friday, December 9, 2016

We had the notion to buy fabric

I barely heard the first alarm go off this morning at 6:50. It was cold and dark. I got up to take a shower. The tile floor was cold. I wanted to go back to the warm bed. But I didn't. I had a small cut on my elbow which looked like it might be infected. I put coconut oil on it. We didn't have any regular band-aids, so I put a piece of cotton ball on it and had Chris strap it on with medical tape. It was overkill, but all we had. I put band-aids on the grocery list. I made and ate breakfast hoping my hair would dry. There wasn't time to drink a quart of water and no place to go if I had. I got dressed up for cold weather, put seed crackers in my market bag. I grabbed my rolling cart with it's newly modified bag and headed out. It was already 5 after 8. The bus was parked in front of the commissary. But I wasn't the last person to arrive. We waited for two other people. Some ladies brought their husbands. There were enough people on the bus that the price was reduced to $10 per person. However, those who already paid $15 were not issued a refund. Instead, Myra kept the extra money to buy class supplies at the market. And then we were on our way. Myra and I made lists of notions to buy for the class. She gave me $20 for my two extra thread stands for the class. Chaun gave me a chuck of shea butter. I gave her a baggie with two chocolates and a lip balm. Then I handed out three lip balms to three ladies that hadn't gotten any before. That left me with one more, and there were three more ladies on the bus that had not gotten any but they were toward the back so I I just held off until another day. Chelsea had morning sickness. We had to pull off to let her heave. We offered her gum, a candy cane, peppermint essential oil, cookies, baby wipes, etc. It was not a good trip for her. And the bus did not go directly to the market. It went to the army base in Daegu to drop off the two husbands. Then we were driven to the market and let off. I guess we followed Suzanne into the market to find the fabric building. One of the buildings had burned, but we did not see which one. Then we split into groups, checking out different things on different floors. I found a stall selling solids for $2 a yard. And they were good quality, so I called Myra to see what we needed for the class. She didn't know. So I got 2 yards each of 11 or 12 different colors, mostly for my own cache, but willing to share when necessary. I caught up with my group at the $2 a yard guy who sells prints. The sewing group was like a hoard of locusts descending on the flatfolds, scarfing them up and leaving the rest in disarray. Okay, maybe not so bad, but we did make him look really popular. I went with Mandy to find some fabric for a bag she saw hanging up. I helped her order the cut, and get some material for the bottom. Then we rejoined the group. They wandered off to another place but I hadn't bought yet from the man. I saw some fabric like Kelly wanted so I texted her a pic. While I waited for a reply, I picked out three fabrics for myself. She asked for 4 yards. But he showed me two three yard pieces. I found three more fabrics I wanted before her reply. I got her four yards and mine, then looked for the group. Eventually I found myself on the 4th floor where Myra's group was. I found a Christmas print with Santa and brass instruments. I didn't know Santa could play french horn. I got a yard of it. Then the others went to the basement for lunch. I told them I only had fabric money, not lunch money. Myra and I continued to inspect fabrics. We found some fabric that we thought Evelin would like, so we texted her a pic. I found another one that I thought Kelly would like, so I texted her a pic and she replied to buy a yard. Presently the group appeared as we found the notions booth. Again, our numbers made the place look popular. Myra picked up a bunch of notions, as did several others. I got some stabilizer. Then we went looking for a few last things. I ended up guarding the bags with Dynee. I slipped around the corner to find a lace and ribbon shop. I picked up two yards of red. Then we all trouped out to find the bus. I found a pomegranate on the way. We had to wait a little bit, but we were all there when the bus arrived. I put mine overstuffed rolling cart in the trunk of the bus. Then we resumed our previous seats. It was an uneventful trip back. Chelsea managed to hold on to her lunch. I took a nap because I couldn't make out the conversation anyway. Akia passed her baby to Anna who loves babies. We pulled up to base about 4pm. When we debarked, Myra went to get her car. When it arrived, Scott was driving. They took me home and Scott carried my fabrics to my front door. I thanked them and they left. I got myself a drink, then pulled all the fabric from the bags, separating mine from Kelly's. I had something to eat. I watered the plants outside, covered the eggplant and then watered the plants inside. I read e-mail and looked for more info on yang foods. Chris came home from work. I did today's puzzle. I melted some coconut oil and mixed castor oil into it. I find castor oil too thick and sticky to use easily. Finally we sat down to watch two episodes of House in season 1. Chris went back to his game and I wrote this really long blog post,hoping I did not leave anything out.
* This is the notions booth *

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