Monday, December 5, 2016

Still wreathing

I got up at 7:30 while Chris was taking a shower. I put on a Holosync CD and meditated for an hour. I made coffee and did my exercises, brushing and rebounding. I listened to audios and tapped. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I used a pair of clamps that my sister gave me to pull hair from the shower drain. I put the bone broth in a jar and cleaned the crock pot. Chris came home for lunch with mail. It was a book, supplements, and a birthday card. I checked e-mail. I listened to an audio while catching up on Sudoku. I looked on the MWR page for our sewing class and Zumba. I did not find either one. I listened to an interview while folding laundry. I checked the tomato plants and found some cherry ones. I ate a big one from the other day. I tried the short 5 pin cable I bought at Daiso for recharging my phone. It did not fit. I called Myra to go for a walk. Myra came over and we walked the trail. I picked up some greenery lying on the ground. Then we found a whole pile of boxwood clippings. We decided to take her car tomorrow to pick up a bunch of it. I followed her to her house. We looked for a vase that I bought at the antique store but could not find when I got home. It wasn't with her stuff. She showed me her small tree and the ornaments she was making for it. She had glued animals cut from fabric to paper and then outlined them in black paint to seal the edges. It was very masculine. Then Scott asked if I could embroider something on the back of his cap. But hooping such a thing would be really difficult. She needed to make supper so I left for home. I made breakfast and ate it while looking at ideas for handmade gifts. I was pushing away the laptop when Chris came home. He fixed my watch which had separated from the band on one side. He tried to unscrew the drain for me so I could clean it better, but the screws would not budge. Then he made himself supper and played his game while I worked on my wreath. I made six more sets of bordered blocks, and stabilized each one. But I ran out of stiff stabilizer. Several were fused in two pieces and the last one in four pieces. I found some scraps of lightweight stabilizer that I fused over the pieced edges so they would not peel up when turning right side out. Chris had a conference call at 9:30. When the sets were ready to be sewn together, I put them aside. I practiced my trombone for about 20 minutes. Chris said it would not bother his call and I guess it didn't. Then I raced outside to cover the tomatoes and the eggplant. The anticipated low was 34. I looked up the meridians that the acupuncturist listed last week. I traced the weak ones upward. It got really late and I was tired of waiting for his call to end. So I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* No wreath yet, so here is a pic from the play. *

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