Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Let it snow

I got up before 8, just as Chris was leaving. I drank a quart of water and read e-mail. I did my exercises while listening to an audio or two. They were very interesting but now I can't remember what they talked about. I made a batch of seed crackers. I worked today's puzzle. I cleaned my brush. There was a lot of gray hair. Conclusion: someone is using my brush. I printed up a list of things I wanted the acupuncturist to know. I printed it in purple since we are out of black ink. I washed up and got dressed. I put a seed cracker in a baggie. I bundled up and left the house, but then came right back to get the yoga blocks. I walked down to the bus stop to catch the bus. 317 came first, so I took it. I had no trouble getting off at the right place because lots of people were going to the 5-day market. As I wandered down the street, I saw cashews for sale and picked up a bag. Then I walked up to the acupuncturist' office. I was early and they usually take me early, but not today. I waited about 15 minutes. Then the nurse showed me to a bed. I enjoyed the air pump leg massage. Then I did stretches until the doctor came. I gave him the sheet. He read it closely and slowly. One of the questions was “Should I eat yin foods or yang foods”? But he never answered the question directly even though I brought it up several times. He just said he would print out a list of foods. (I hope they are meeguk foods.) I also put on the sheet that my right side was tighter than my left. So he had me sit facing the wall and he stuck needles in the back of my neck. The last one hurt, and since he was sticking it into my spine, it was scary as well. But he pulled my right arm overhead toward the left and seemed satisfied with the range of motion. He pulled the needles out and had me lie down. Then he put needles in my right leg and stomach and neck: as usual. He said the tightness on my right side was causing the itching and the tongue chewing. It all came from my right tmj. He left. I laid there for 15 minutes until the nurse came to take the needles out. Then I paid at the front desk and left. As I made my way toward the main road, I bought veggies here and there: cucumbers, broccoli, sweet potatoes and carrots. Just as I walked up to the bus stop, bus 305 appeared. The timing was perfect. I hopped on and rode it back to the base. From that bus stop, I walked to the corner market for sprouts. They didn't have the ones I wanted, but I got the next best package. My shoulders sagged under the weight of all the bags I was carrying. But I made it up the mountain to our place. I walked in, pushed off my shoes and took the veggies into the kitchen. Chris walked in just then and I wondered if he had been behind me all the way up the hill. I put the veggies away while Chris put a ham on the counter to defrost and left. He had also brought the mail, which included a card from my friend MaryAnn. The calligraphy was impressive. I cleared e-mail and found something to listen to. Whatever it was, put me to sleep. And I slept for hours. When I woke up, I saw a message from Amber on Facebook. I replied and she replied, and after our conversation was over, I composed a post to the community page about our sewing classes tomorrow. I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home from confessing. Apparently a priest came to the base just for that purpose, but not many people showed up. I don't know if this is a special day or if it just worked out that space was available. I was reading e-mail and found instructions for a 3D paper snowflake. I couldn't resist making one out of packing paper. I had to iron the paper first, but it worked out ok. From 6 8-inch squares, the final snowflake was about 22 inches from tip to tip. I updated my Pinterest pages with projects I made in the last 3 months. Then I jotted notes for my blog. We watched the next episode of Rockford Files. Chris went back to his game and I finished my blog post so I could either go to bed or make a sample of something for tomorrow.

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