Friday, December 2, 2016

Tree Lighting Ceremony

I woke up early because Chris got up early for a 6am call. I tried to go back to sleep but kept getting either too cold or too hot. I gave up on sleep and got up when Chris left. I drank a quart of water and checked e-mail. I put away the items from the mail yesterday. I did my exercises. My tapping buddy called early by accident. So she hung up and I finished my exercises, then washed up and got dressed. I jotted some things on my to-do list. She called back at 10. The sound was really bad on my new laptop. So I switched to the desktop. The sound was much better but the lighting was such that my cam showed me in silhouette so she could not see my face. I tried putting a light on me but it did not help. Still, it was the best we could do so we went ahead and tapped. After an hour, we concluded the call and I promised to send her a message in the next few days. I saw that the ladies going to Linda's going away party were lost trying to find the place. It did not bother me that I was not with them. I made and ate breakfast. I was checking e-mail when Chris came home. I practiced my trombone. I found gift wrap in the guest room closet. I gathered all the family gifts on my cutting table. I found small boxes for some, but others were too hard to box. I was able to get them in a small priority mail box that was used. So I started wrapping. Myra called saying she was back from the going-away party (that should have been over hours ago). She mentioned sitting on the floor for a long time during the tea ceremony, and that she came home instead of going to lunch which would have been more floor-sitting. My back was happy I did not go. Myra needed boxes so I joined her and we both went to the post office to get Priority Mail boxes and custom forms. I went home and wrapped the remaining gifts, and wrote cards to go with them. Time was short, but that was good since it kept me from over-thinking any of it. I was out of time so I ran to the post office, literally, and just made it by 4 (closing time). They had to stay late in order to check in the package and add the return receipt, etc. On the way back, I met Ms. Yun outside the FFTC. She asked about MaryAnn after seeing her picture. I promised to pass on her good wishes. Then I went home. I found the front door wide open. These doors are engineered to stay open if opened to a mere 75 degrees. I had left in such a hurry that I didn't notice. I jotted notes for my blog. I went into the kitchen to make hummus. When I was done, I tasted it and it needed something... So I threw in some kimchi. That was pretty good. I put it in a jar and rinsed all the utensils. I just had time to walk down to the tree lighting ceremony. I missed it last year because I just wasn't in the mood after having just moved here and not having our shipment yet. As I was walking down the hill, Carolyn offered me a ride. It was 5:30 as we pulled up. There were not many people there, even though the parking lot was full. But then they came out of the FFTC. Chris showed up from work. MWR served hot chocolate and cookies, and played music. An unknown number kept calling me, and I kept shutting it off. Finally I answered it and there was an alert about a demonstration in Busan. At 6 the little kids sang, or rather their teacher did 'cause in the face of all those people, they clammed up. Santa showed up on a fire engine, flanked by security cars. The CO announced him and then he turned on the tree. It was a big moment! Then Santa and the kids went up to the 3rd deck to get their picture taken with Santa Claus. We stood around talking for the longest time. Finally we left. We walked home in the cold. We each had a bite to eat. I ate a pomegranate while looking at holiday ideas on the internet. Then I jotted notes for my blog. We watched two episodes of Castle. Chris went to bed, tired after getting up so early. I stayed up just long enough to blog.

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