Monday, December 12, 2016

The last strawberry?

I got up soon after 8 when Chris left for work. I boiled water for coffee. I drank a quart of water and swished. I did my exercises. I meditated and tapped. The tapping went really well. When coffee morning was over, I cleaned the kitchen counters and mopped the floor. Chris came home for lunch. He brought a package that contained my gift from Cecily. He asked me to get his shoes re-soled next time I walked out to the traditional market. I swept and mopped the floors. Chris had to leave so I could mop the floor by the front door. I cleaned both bathrooms, and mopped those floors as well. I cleaned out some plastic bags. I found a red bow so I put it on top of the Christmas tree. I put a piece of fabric around the base for a skirt. I worked today's puzzle. I sewed two pieces of ironing fabric together to add to a kit. I picked Christmas songs for three possible accompanists. I scanned the music for Sleigh Ride. I wanted to print it out but was out of black ink. I thought I could easily changed the black to another color so I could print it out, but there was no way in the software to do that. But on the scanner itself, there was a button for printing in color. I didn't think it would work with a black and white image, but it did. I wish I had tried it an hour earlier. It was about 54 outside and I figured it wasn't getting any warmer. So I opened some windows and turned off the heat. I raked up the small leaves in the front yard. I was going to use them to cover the strawberry bed, but I discovered two strawberries, or rather one and a half. The whole one wasn't quite ripe, which is probably why it hadn't been half eaten. I put it on the window sill to ripen. I found a tomato with just a touch of orange to it. I put it in the window sill too. I made and ate a salad. I looked up more Christmas activities for parties. Chris came home from work and made himself supper. I wanted to cover a small glass bottle with a piece of fabric and twine. I would then add essential oils and skewers. It really looked cute in my head. But when I finished it, I was disappointed. I practiced my trombone. Then Chris and I sat down to watch TV on Netflix. We were going to watch one of the movies made from Nicholas Sparks, but all of them were DVD only. So we chose Marvel's Luke Cage because Michele liked it. But after a while I decided it just wasn't my kind of movie. So we switched to Rockford files. After that, Chris put out the food waste for tomorrow and then played his game. I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* My would-be essential oil diffuser *

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