Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The issue is resolved

I had a hard time sleeping last night. I tried not to wake Chris. I was worried about the things discussed in the meeting. But I must have fallen asleep because at some point I noticed that Chris was no longer in bed. Later he came back to take a shower and get dressed for work. I knew he had to be there by six. I tried to sleep again, but he left his phone by the bed and it rang at 7. I thought it was the alarm so I shut it off. Again I tried to sleep. At 7:45 I realized that the recyclables needed to go out. So I got dressed, bagged them up and took them to the curb. Then I laid down again. Then I woke up to the fact that I hadn't written a certain check in over a month. So I got up and did that. I bundled up to walk it down the hill to the postal box. There I ran into Danielle walking her dog. We chatted for a bit, then I walked back up the hill. I sat down to drink my quart of water and check e-mail. In accordance with my resolution to unsubscribe from one e-mail list a day in February, I looked through my 'trash' file. All of a sudden, each one looked like something I might want to read someday. But I did select one and unsubscribe. I put on an audio interview from the Autoimmune Revolution because my laptop would not play the video version. I closed a few windows but it did not make a difference. I made breakfast and emptied the dishwasher. I ate breakfast while doing a Sudoku puzzle. I made up a new batch of spice blend, then washed up the kitchen and myself. I put on clean clothes and grabbed the bag of stuff for handwarmers. I walked to the chapel for sewing class. There was no one there. I had a hard time getting our stuff out because it was placed behind folded up tables and chairs. Then several ladies came and helped me. Some had projects to work on. One lady made two handwarmers, and another made a quilt block for QOV. Class lasted 3 hours. I walked home with Myra to see her new rice box. It was quite the piece of furniture. I stayed to talk, and then Scott came home from work. He gave me his opinion on the matter of the NFE's wanting to sell to the strike group. Neither he nor Myra were in favor of it. It was after 5 when I left. I went home for supper. I wrote to Amber that the FRG should concentrate on the Cherry Blossom Festival and forget about the strike group. She agreed and I was relieved. After supper, I read e-mail and did Sudoku puzzles until Chris came home around 8. I ate some fruit while he ate his supper and caught up on e-mail. We watched two episodes of the Adventures of Merlin. Then it was time for bed.
* Here is a pic from the TIQF *

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