Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blocks finished.

I got a little sewing in this morning. I had all my blocks in 15 piles of nine 4.5 inch squares. But then I discovered that there are lefthanded squares and righhanded ones. I am referring to the way the seams are pressed. So I had to rearrange the piles so that the lefthanded centers had all lefthanded tulips, and vice versa. I put two blocks together and then it was time to go to the thrift shop. I was there about 3 hours. I wasn't very productive because they left me in charge of pricing non-clothing items while they were gone and that is hard to do. Especially when they emphasize consistency in pricing.
Afterwards, I picked up the cafeteria key from the school (for Saturday's class) and met Chris. He showed me his new office-to-be. I guess they'll be moving in soon. We went to the registration office to rectify some personal info problems that they claim we don't have, but the hospital records say we do. Does the right hand speak to the left? Anyway, then I tried to catch the bus to our gate, but it was full of teenagers going home from school. I decided it was a nice day for a walk. When I got home, I spent the rest of the day sewing, and finished all 16 blocks. Whew! Now I can concentrate on planning for the class on Saturday.

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