Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sewing Sleep-over

I realized Friday night that I needed one more fabric for my spring block and I just didn't have anything that would work. So I needed to go to Dongdaemun. But I have already been numerous times, so I already own all the fabrics that match my focus fabric. So this time I was resolved to go to the expensive places. After all, I only need half a yard. Tina wanted to go too, so we went together, visiting all the booths we normally skip because the price is 4 - 5 times higher. But I found three fabrics that were almost perfect. Then we found lunch at a place that sold steamed balls of dough. Some had a spring roll-type filling, and others had a sweet bean paste filling. For 5000 won we BOTH ate lunch. Can't beat that price. Then we walked around for awhile, and finally caught the subway home. I had packed extra clothes and my spring block fabrics in anticipation of spending the night at Tina's sewing. Well we got SOME sewing done, but mostly we chatted. We also went to the Px and got some clothes on sale. At 2am, after a movie, we went to bed. (Her husband is TDY).
In the morning, we chatted some more, then went to the PX again. I got my hair cut (Tina's idea) and we shopped the 75% off sale. For $22, I got 7 tops! I called Chris to see what was up, but he and Michele had gone to bed late, skipped church and forgotten about the meeting at 2. They hadn't even gone to the commissary.
So I asked Tina to take me home. Only Michele seemed to notice that my hair was cut. They were both glued their computers and I had to wonder if they had noticed that I had been gone over 24 hours.

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