Sunday, March 29, 2009

What's in YOUR pincushion?

Michele wasn't feeling well, so Chris and I went to church without her. Nancy gave us the key so Michele can look after their cat while they are gone. After church, there was a buffet lunch for a visiting bishop-type person who Chris refers to as not-the-bishop. I don't understand it. Anyway, then we stopped by the commissary to get our weekly groceries. Back at home, Michele was feeling better and she helped us put the groceries away. I retired to my sewing room to work on another teacup. But after supper I got sidetracked taking apart my pincushion. I found 5 machine needles and 101 hand sewing needles. (I wondered where all my needles had gotten to). Chris walked in while I was putting it back together and asked why I was spooning dirt into a bag. Ha! I spent the rest of the evening squeezing my other pincushion and pulling machine needles out of it (while watching TV). Weird.

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