Saturday, June 13, 2009

Guess who went to Dongdaemun?

I made another quilt top today and laid out most of another. Around 11 Chris and I went to Dongdaemun to get some red fringe for a flag. We did a lot of walking and did not find much. But one place had it in white and promised to dye it for us. I will go back next week to pick it up. I also stopped by the quilt stand and bought some fabric. Then it was past lunch time so we went to the corner stand where they sell a steamed dough with a chopped meat and veggie filling, like the inside of an eggroll. We got three. They threw in some pickled radish, too. We got back on the subway for our trip to base. Then Chris wanted to buy a terabyte drive. So we parked at the PX and ate our lunch. Then Chris went in while I went to the hair salon. I had to wait and Chris was back about the time my hairdresser could fit me in. He did not find the drive he wanted, but he bought 4 Arnold Swartz? movies.
We went home and there was Michele, on her computer. She did laundry while we were gone. I gave her the last dough ball. It was still hot and she really liked it. They spent the rest of the evening watching the movies while I went to my sewing room.

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