Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Not what I expected

Chris got up at 4am to be at work by 5 for a teleconference. I made his lunch the night before and woke briefly to tell him where it was before going back to sleep. I got up before 8, cut out the pieces for a pair of shorts, and read some e-mail and dropped off some recyclables. Several of the quilting group were going to Dongdaemun so I decided to go with them. Since we were trying to accomodate everyone's interests, we spent more time than I would have myself. I bought some betweens and picked up the fringe we ordered on Saturday. I remembered him telling me that the fringe would be 500 won a yard. He did not mention that dyeing it red would cost 8000 won. My feet were burning by the time we finished. We got back around 1pm and Cathy dropped me off at the thrift shop. I was so glad because I had bought 20 yards of fabric and it was heavy! I had promised MaryAnn I would help out while she took her son to the dentist. She showed me how to take consignments, and then had to leave. Thankfully Carmen also came in and she knows consignments, too. We handled it all rather well except for the fact that it was backed up and we had to play catchup. Then, since Laura was the only one trained on the register and she'd been up front all day without a break, I offered to learn how so she could get off her feet and go to the bathroom. It was quite simple and she was glad to get a break. I realize that I have just made my presence more likely to be requested. Hopefully I will have the fortitude to say 'no' before I get overwhelmed with requests. I thought I'd be leaving when MaryAnn got back, but we were so shortstaffed that I stayed until after the store closed at 6. Luckily for me, Chris was willing to come pick me up so I wouldn't have to walk home. He had supper almost ready for me when we got back. I worked on the pair of shorts and will soon have them finished.

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