Monday, June 29, 2009

The next generation of sew-ers

I awoke this morning with the same back pain as yesterday, and a full dose of stiffness. So Chris and Michele made their own lunches and went off to work. Later I got up and walked around the apartment a bit, then started making copies from a sewing book for kids. I agreed to teach a lady's son and daughter to sew, beginning today. The pain diminished as I prepared the lesson. Could it be that the thought of being unprepared was giving me a pain in the back? I also packed a container with bean salad for our quilt meeting. It was raining hard, so I took my umbrella and my packed bag and walked onto post. Pam called and offered to pick me up at the apartment. But I told her the traffic was already backed up. It would have taken half an hour or more for her to drive that short way. ANYWAY, we were late as it was, getting to quilting. A new lady was waiting to meet us and help out. We set up our room for working on Quilts of Valor. We hadn't done it in a while so figuring out where each project had left off was difficult. But we got some done and Toniette will send them off to be quilted.
I asked the quilt group about 'adopting' a room at the Stork's Nest. We would be responsible for decorating it. And if we do it as a group we can get some help from the thrift shop. Those there at the time seemed to be in favor of it but wanted a list of what items were needed before committing. Ok, so later over lunch I brought up the subject again, since some people had left and others had shown up. This group was NOT in favor of it. Apparently they had looked into it before and the expectations were high (only new stuff is wanted, TV's, stuff that wears out ie. towels, is expected to be replaced, etc). So now I have some thinking to do. Maybe we can adopt the hallway?
So after quilting, Pam dropped me off at Gate 19. There lives the lady who wants me to teach her children. Turns out she has 5 of them, and three wanted to learn. So while she made another set of copies, I showed them how to stitch on straight lines, and pivot. They learned parts of the machine, and tool names. They sewed dot-to-dot. They were very focused and had good, straight lines. It was a good lesson. I will go back on Thursday for the next lesson. The mother drove me to my gate.
Chris came home soon and we had supper, discusing the Stork's Nest issue and why, if Obama is so smart, he does not-so-smart things. Then I watched a Netflix movie, which turned out to be in French with English subtitles. It bothered me because I kept feeling like I shouldn't need the subtitles, but I did.

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