Thursday, June 18, 2009

Three days in a row

Today was my third day at the thrift shop. There was a time in my life when I wanted to be needed. I am over that now. I was there from 10 to almost 3. I talked them into having a big sale on Saturday since all the higher people (who like to charge a lot) are on vacation. So guess what? Now I have to come in Saturday, too. Groan. Me and my big ideas. On the other hand, Ella brought her sewing machine in for me to look at and it now works. Not that I did anything but take credit. Then a vac that someone returned for lack of suction and they couldn't get the bag out was my next success. After that, a lady came by to return a juicer that she said didn't work. So I plugged it in and it ran fine. If there were a lottery here, I would have bought a ticket. Then I spent the rest of the day reading. It felt good.

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