Saturday, September 24, 2011

Another day, another 1000 stitches

I did not read this morning because I thought Chris was taking me to post early, but I wasn't ready in time. So I drove myself. I got to the AnC center about 9:30. I loaded my backing (see pic) and picked out batting. There was not enough of the one I wanted to fit my quilt so I had to use the polyester kind. I put on the batting and the top and started basting and quilting. Somewhere in the middle, I got a Gallil error, meaning the machine couldn't reach down far enough to finish the design. So I rolled it ahead a little, and tried to restart it but it would not do what I thought I was telling it to do. I called Cathy but she did not answer her phone. Then I called Mary and my phone died. As luck would have it, the framing guy had a phone charger and he plugged it in for me. So I did get to talk to Mary and she knew what to do, but the RESTART option was nowhere to be found. I checked under every heading on the screen. So I did what I would have done had I seen it coming: I 'selected' the whole row and moved the bottom up just a little. I had to roll the quilt back to where it was. Then it stitched a few inches, and ran out of bobbin thread. But after that, it all went fine. I finished about 1:30, went next door to the Daiso store, ran into Ella and we chatted for a bit. Then I stopped briefly at the thrift shop to drop off the crock pot insert that didn't fit. I parked at gate 17 and went to the organic market for eggs, and then came back and decided to sit in the shade near the dog park to read for about 45 minutes. I went home to put my eggs in the fridge. I ate lunch and fell asleep. When I woke up, I helped Chris make supper. I spent a little time on e-mail and lots of time in my sewing room. I finished that QOV top and I think it is the right size. Michele likes it. Somehow I just knew there was a quilt top in the pile of scraps and now it's here.

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