Friday, September 23, 2011

Leaving on the 22nd of October

Usual morning routine. Nothing unusual except that it started late 'cause I was up late texting with Maryann on Skype. I was having a dream that I was on the top floor of a 12 story seaside hotel. the waves were so high that they were hitting my window. But no one seemed worried that 12 story waves might topple the building. Also the BBT guys were there, playing wind instruments. And I kept going up and down the same steps, over and over. I am mentioning this because later Michele complained about having to write a paper on psychoanalysis of dreams. The text she was reading argued that dreams are wish fulfillment. So she wanted to use that for her paper. I challenged her to interpret my dream as wish fulfillment. As she was doing her homework, I was auditioning fabrics for the role of border in my quilt. None made the cut so I had to use the sashing fabric over again. For the backing I could have gone to Dongdaemun to buy a big piece, but I realized that I can't keep solving my problems by buying fabric. So I picked 4 purple fabrics that I don't particularly care for but that go together and cut 5 18.5 inch squares out of each one. I pieced them all together into one big backing. By then it was after supper. I checked for batting, but do not have a piece big enough. Chris called Michele in the middle of the day and told her that we have orders. When he got home, he said the report date is Oct 23, and we have plane tickets on the 22nd. All of a sudden my world seems to be crashing in on me. I feel a little panicked that my time is so short and there is so much to do. Much of the e-mail in my inbox now seems so unimportant. I imagined it might be easiest to 'abandon in place', and just buy new stuff in the states. But what about the fabric? If I were to leave it, would Chris have me institutionalized for mental illness, or have me arrested for impersonating his wife? And then I wonder, what am I going to do without Michele, and without a sewing machine for the months after we pack until we find a place to live? And when I get back to the states, I will be just another American living in America. Who will want to read my blog then? Will I have to rename it?
* Quilt from a Seoul quilt show *

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