Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Marathon sewing day

I was a little late getting up to read. But I did, for an hour. Then I had breakfast, etc. But before e-mail could take over my day, I hid in my sewing room to work on my purple and yellow quilt. Only, there was this bag of QOV scraps in the way. So, ok, I sewed my way out of that. Made 4 more blocks and over 15 yards of piano key border. Not sure where to go from there. It took about 5 hours. Then I put it away, and got out my blocks. I sashed and sashed. In medium teal and dark teal. Michele and Chris came home, about an hour apart. Chris cooked chicken legs for supper. I ate my sprouts, which were fully sprouted just like they are supposed to be. After supper I sewed more, putting the blocks into rows while watching NCIS. When I get the rows together, then I need to work on a backing. The one I bought just won't fit now that the blocks are sashed.


Anonymous said...

Did you make blocks and then cut them and move them around on this rwb quilt?
AL from CA

Fern said...

This is a strip=pieced block. You sew strips into sets, sew the sets together, cut them diagonally, and press open, then sew the resulting strips together. The pic shows 9 blocks not yet sewn to each other.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining it to me.
Looks like one of those illusion things like MC Escher...
AL from CA