Saturday, September 3, 2011

Friday and Saturday

On Friday morning, I read, had breakfast, briefly checked e-mail, and headed to the AnC center. I got there before 9 but the building was open so I immediately set up my quilt on the longarm. I called Cathy when the machine did not give me reference points after my first row of edge to edge. While I was talking to her, my phone died. I was rushing through the quilt hoping to finish by noon so I could go look at an apartment with Michele. When Ms. Kim came up to see what was going on, I asked her if she had a phone charger, and she did, in the office downstairs. So I charged my phone, and called Chris. He said he was going to see the apt so I had more time to finish my quilt. I had made the center in the early '90's before I had much experience and it was a bit stretched out, but I managed to 'quilt it up' so the borders would be in line. I got it done at 2:30. I thought Judy had something to quilt, but she wasn't feeling well and did not come. Cathy did not have anything either. So I went home, ate lunch, rested a little, and went back with another quilt top. It was a double wedding ring. Cathy came over to show me what designs we had specifically for dwr's. I chose a middle and a melon. I also chose a Bryte green thread for the quilt top. But after it sewed out, I decided it was too bold. And yet you don't really see it in the picture. Anyway, I was not able to finish before 7, so I left it unfinished and got to my gate before it closed. The gate guards remarked how much they like my husband. Okay, well, I like him too. At home, Chris had made steak for supper. I was so tired that he loaded a plate for me and I ate on the couch watching TV. It was a movie called "Son of Rambow". I was going to spend the rest of the evening readying another quilt top to be quilted and posting to my blog, but Chris made me a better offer (wink, wink).
Saturday morning - Apparently the 'offer' was still good, so I skipped my usual hour of reading and had seconds. Then I ate breakfast and read through a bit of e-mail. Chris drove me on post. We had to go around to gate 17 because of construction back-ups. I went to the AnC center to finish my quilt. When I was done with the wedding ring portion, Cathy came over to help me with the border fill. I finished about 12:30. I went over to the Chosun to find out exactly when the luncheon would be. And yes, it is during Chusok. But the lady there could not say whether the fabric man would be there. I left my e-mail address and she will get back to me. I thought about going to Dongdaemun, but it was too hot. I drove home, skirting the construction by going around the back way - something that would normally scare the day lights out of me. I ate lunch, and juiced up veggies. I drank some and made popsicles with the rest. I read more e-mail, and then we watched Serenity. I was expecting Julia to call before 7 to meet me. We planned to go to a play called "If Tables Could Talk...". I started walking to Noksapyeong about 6:45. She called about 7:15 and said it would take her half an hour to get there. I got there way ahead of her and went in to save her a seat. It was a bunch of folding chairs set up in a basement. $15 entry fee. Three small tables were set up in front. Mostly English-speaking people arrived to watch. But Julia was the only one who spoke to me. The play was series of conversations that took place in a restaurant. I shall not describe them here. If I had a mental eraser, I would eradicate all memory of what I heard and saw when the lights went down. I am sure the actors did a fine job, but I would not call those conversations entertainment. The last one went on so long that I had decided it was an artsy thing where the actors make up lines until the audience leaves. But no, there was a surprise ending and I would dearly like to forget it. Julia and I got on the subway together. She got off after one stop and I got off after two. I called Chris from the first station and asked for a ride home. So he was waiting by the gas station gate for me to arrive. It was so good to see him. When we got home, he and Michele finished watching another movie, and I am going to bed as soon as I finish this blog.

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