Thursday, September 15, 2011

Snap-close pouch class

I got up late. I put a load of fabric in the washer, soaked my sprouts (not looking good), and went downstairs to read for an hour. When I came back, I put the fabric in the dryer for 30 minutes while I read e-mail. Then I took it out, folded it lightly and laid it on the bed. I fixed breakfast and sat back down at the computer. Faye skyped me, and then we 'invited' Kurt. He tried to get William in by phone, but it was asking too much. We talked for an hour. I was late to the thrift shop, but it was worth it. There were lots of books to be shelved and they were bringing in more as I worked. There was also a sewing machine to be tested. The bookroom was a mess and I straightened it up some. I got 95% of the books shelved and I tested the sewing machine. It is a nice one that sells for $175 refurbished. But it came with accessories that go to a much older machine. Weird. Anybody need cams for a Touch-n-Sew? I worked an hour later than usual, then went home for lunch. I read a few e-mails. More ladies signed up for tonight's pouch class and I worried that I might need another tape measure. I cut 10+ kits from the tape measure, the batting and fusible interfacing. I also brought extra fabric in case some one was short. Michele came home about 5, and Chris a little later. Then it was time for me to go. When I got to the pedestrian bridge, I realized that I hadn't brought any of the extra tape segments in case someone came without signing up. Chris brought them down while I went back and we met outside the apartment building. I drove to the SPC, and one lady was there already. She helped me set up and then Lynae came. Between the three of us, we were ready quickly. We set up 5 machines for 10 people. Three brought their own machines, but only 8 came, so we had the perfect amount. Everyone had a good time, but not everyone finished. But they did help clean up. I went home and gave my sprouts their nightly soaking. I have three batches going now. Seems once the fruit flies find a batch, it goes down hill. Or vice versa. I think I'll make the sandwich and iron fabric dry until bedtime.

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