Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First AFSC luncheon of this year

This morning Chris went to work. I woke up hearing him, but went back to sleep. I was having a dream about eating frosting. I felt badly about it, but it tasted so good I couldn't stop. Thankfully it was only a dream. I meant to make a wine bottle bag last night but fell asleep, so I cut my reading short this morning to leave enough time. I just grabbed a fat quarter and sewed down the side and across the bottom, I put a hem at the top, and tied it with a ribbon. After breakfast, a shower, and dressing, I took my dressed-up wine to post. I parked in front of DHL. There wasn't much parking left because Oktoberfest is taking up the back lot. I went up to the second floor. Mr. Kang was busy so I chatted with Mary and Cathy. Mary signed me in as her guest. Then I was able to give Mr. Kang the bottle and wish him a Happy Chusok. I shopped and greeted ladies I haven't seen since last spring. Chris came by to pick up his phone. I went to the bank to get money to pay Mr. Kang. His helper told me I could have one packet free and then Mr. Kang stuffed another 5 packets in my bag. He asked a nearby Korean woman to translate for him and he asked me if he could bring thread and needles to sell next month. Not sure why he was asking me, but I told him it was ok. Erin was selling embroidered quilts and other items that she had made. I talked to her for awhile. It seems she did not get the e-mail about uniforms at the thrift shop. Then it was time for the luncheon. Mary saved me a seat at her table. I have the best friends! Before we ate, there were announcements, and thankyou's and introductions. Oh, and raffling vendor prizes. We were the last table to line up for food, but there was plenty there. It was a Korean theme so I got kimchi, and japchai, and cooked cabbage and bulgogi. All very good. As we ate, a woman from the Cultural exchange center spoke to us and showed several short films about Korean history, language and current culture. Much of it was new to me and I hope they show these films every year. Did you know that the Korean characters mimic the shape of the tongue or lips used to make their sound? Here she is explaining a demonstration of a New Year's tradition. After the luncheon I gave Mary a ride over to the AnC so she and Cathy could do a quilt of valor. I went home to check e-mail and then work on my purple and green quilt. I put in green corners and replaced the red block. Then I spread it out to see if a piece of minki in my closet would be big enough for a backing. It was, but I found flaws in it. So I think I will go to Dongdaemun tomorrow to find a piece of V. B. fabric for the backing. I turned my attention to the yellow and purple blocks from a block swap almost three years ago. I had 19 blocks, so I made one more. Then I laid them out and decided to sash them, but not sure yet in what color. I had some leftover bison for supper and then watched a movie in my sewing room. It was called Winch. It was in at least three languages (English, French, and Serbian) so I did not follow all of it. There was time to take one last look at e-mail before bed. I read that the FDA wants to make supplement testing so rigorous and expensive that most will be taken off the market. I wanted to e-mail my congressperson but the system will not take an APO address.

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