Thursday, November 20, 2014

A breath of fresh air

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night feeling so helpless to make things go right in Pinehurst. When I woke up, the troubling thoughts came back to haunt me. I got up thinking it was late, but the alarm hadn't gone off. My phone said I had a missed call 10 minutes ago, but when I called her back, it was 12 hours ago. I don't know why I did not hear it then. I got out the vacuum to sweep up crumbs in the kitchen. Then I moved to the computer room. I swept behind the small dresser, then moved it back to where it belongs. I put the drawers back in. Then I used the vac to sweep my laptop fan ports again, just in case there was a lodged particle. But when I booted it up, there was still no fan activity. I turned to the desktop. It had rebooted itself from last night. When I connected it to the internet, I got a message saying Windows had updated and rebooted my computer. How in the world did it do that when I had the router turned off? ESP?
I checked e-mail and looked up ceiling fans. I did my exercises. Denise called and I talked to her until Sharon called to offer me the options of a better furnace filter and two air filter units. Then I called Denise back and she said she will visit me tomorrow. I called William. I juiced and drank it, then Bob and Darren came by. He brought in my pkg from Nuts' com which I did not know was sitting on the porch. Bob and Darren checked the filter and left to get new one. I straightened up the bathroom and bedroom, and got dressed. I went to quilting, and made a star from strips of folded fabric. When I came home, I practiced starting off on an uphill slope. I made breakfast, and ate breakfast, reading e-mail. I had a headache, so I went outside to mow the front yard. Then I raked the side yard. Darren showed up with a room air filter and a 25x25 Filtrete 1900. He hooked up the air filter unit in the bedroom. Then he exchanged the 1000 filter for the 1900. I showed him how the basement door won't latch with the plate on. He got a chisel out and fixed that. I showed him the bathroom ceiling which I wanted to have tested for mold and he calculated how much material it would take to replace it. Then he left. I finished raking and then mowed what was raked. I came in to work on the survey for guild. I priced more ceiling fans. I e-mailed those links to Parker. I printed out the survey. I scrambled the duck eggs for supper. I also ate a few pepitas (pumpkin seeds) which came with my raw cacao order. I called Denise to see if she wanted me to donate her quilt top tonight. I found my nametag. When I went downstairs to get her quilt top, the stairwell light burnt out. After I found it, I put some fabric away, and opened a flashlight to see if the battery was corroded. I ran out of time, so then I went to quilting in Chris' car. I parked in the lot on a slope so I engaged the parking brake. But it rolled forward when I lifted my feet. So I had to put it in gear. When I got inside I was handed a number for the round robin ornament demonstration. I turned in my survey, and sat with Jodi until the link for tickets shortened. It was a short meeting, with showntell, and comfy quilts. Not many were turned in. Then we gathered at 6 different tables for our round robin for ornaments. Standing at each one got painful. So I went home, and had no problems driving. I ate more pumpkin seeds, and skyped with Chris. He was exhausted. Then I read a few more e-mails, posted to my blog and went to bed, hoping the new air filter unit would make a difference.
*  This is not a great picture, but you can see one of the ornaments in the top left corner, and you can see the lady giving her presentation of mats made from plastic bags for the homeless.  *

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