Saturday, November 1, 2014

Flat tire and free-motion quilting

I emptied the dishwasher last night. It seems to be a point of entry for roaches and I did not want them climbing all over my clean dishes. Then I took a dark shower. But it wasn't that dark because I hadn't closed the blinds. I toweled my hair dry and went to bed. When I woke up, I had big hair. Shoulda seen that comin'.
I stayed in bed late. Maybe my body is already on the new time. Or it was because my room is colder than the rest of the house, as it is situated over the garage. When I did get up, I sat in the bathroom wondering if the extra vitamin C I took yesterday was too much. I put away what was in the dish drainer, and turned on the router and laptop. I exercised, read e-mail, listening to an audio. I juiced, and cleaned up the old photos lying on the dining room table. I finished the audio. I planted some carrot tops from the carrots I juiced INSIDE the house since in the past something eats them just as they start to grow. Paige called to say she wasn't coming, and a few other things. I took the backpack out to Chris' car where I got it and noticed that my rear tire looked flat. I e-mailed Chris to ask what to do, and he wrote back to find an air compressor in his trunk. I did, reading the directions, that it needed 15 amp circuit. His manual did not tell me the amp on the power connector but did tell me where to find the fuse and that turned out to be 20 amp. So then I was ready to go, but could not find the hose that connects to the tire. It had to be in what looked like a battery compartment, but I could not open it. So I took it next door and Craig opened it for me. Then he and I got in a conversation (which eventually turned to raising chickens) when a man driving by asked if he could grind a stump in Craig's yard. I watched at first to see what a stump grinder does, and then I went home to warm up and try the compressor. It took 6 minutes, but it did the job. I took a towel and wiped out some water that got in the tent. If I cannot make it watertight, I will have to take it down. I thought about sleeping on a pallet so the little bit of water wouldn't touch the bedding, but I don't know how much trouble it would be to build one. I tried to print the local chicken regs for Craig, but my desktop browsers kept crashing. I took the beef heart out of the fridge. I ate some and put the rest back packed into smaller containers. I went to the garage to lay out the backing and the quilt top. I taped the backing to the large cutting mat on the pingpong table. I found a remnant of batting that fit well. I laid all the layers out, then spray basted them together, lining the area with boxes to catch the overspray. Then I handbasted around the perimeter. I pinned along the first few lines I planned to quilt. I took that to my machine and stitched in the ditch. Then I pinned a few more lines and stitched again. Finally I had to free-motion or quilt around motifs. Either way required the fq foot. But I could not find it in with all my other feet. Then it occurred to me that I may have taken it to one of the sewing days, so I looked in that box, and there it was. I attached it to the machine, along with my homemade extension table. While looking for my extension table, I saw the washing machine and remembered that Saturdays are laundry day. So I put all laundry in one load, then ate blueberries w/ dark chocolate for supper. I went back down to quilt around motifs in the middle and in the corners. I changed the thread to blue to meander down the sides. When I moved on to other motifs, the blue thread kept breaking, so I had to go back to white. Odd. As I quilted, I listened to an audio on petitioning one's angels, and I moved the wet laundry to the dryer, and pulled stuff out at intervals as it dried. At some point I had enough of quilting and decided to cut strips to make binding. I sewed the binding to the back so I could machine-stitch the other edge to the front. I was doing that with red thread when Chris skyped me. He had finished his game which included Michele, so they were both ready to talk to me. Michele appeared on my screen with her Snake Pliskin wig and eye patch. I took her pic with skype, but I don't know how to find it on the computer to post it. I had to hang up at 11:30. I know it is the new 10:30, but my body wants to go to bed.
*  This is the completed altar cloth that I thought was going to hang tomorrow  *

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