Sunday, November 16, 2014

Raindrops keep fallin'

I woke up to the sound of rain. I went to the garage to be sure it wasn't flooding the boxes I listed on Freecycle last night. Nope. I put coconut oil on my hair. I turned on the router and my laptop. I checked e-mail, then looked for my rain collection tubs. I even looked where they belonged, but could only find one. So I washed out the basin that I used for a magnesium soak and put it out with the other tub on the patio table. I went downstairs to get a towel and brought up the laundry. I put on my coat and went out to the tent to wick up water, but it didn't look wet, so I just zipped the cover securely and left it. I folded the laundry and put it away. I found a pair of underwear that needed mending. I was well under way when I realized that I did not have my watch on and time tends to get away from me when I am sewing. So I came upstairs to make and eat breakfast while reading e-mail. I meditated and I took a shower and got dressed. I was all ready to pick up my choir folder and leave, when I noticed my new Publix bag. I decided to put the styrofoam recyclables in it and take it along. When I got to church and exited my car, I realized that I had forgotten both my choir folder and an umbrella. Inside, Linda was preparing an angel tree. She encouraged me to take a bundle, which contained a paper with a code number and gift suggestions on the back, a card, and a plastic bag for the gifts. I listened to the children's choir warm up. Then the adult choir practiced. Roz shared her music with me. Then I sat in a pew with Doris. She fixed the button I could not reach on the back of my dress. We talked about the joys of living alone. The Luthermen sang at the beginning of the service. They did well. After the service, I looked for Jennifer to tell her about diaphragmatic breathing being a massage for the liver. But I could not find her right away, so I ended up talking to a lot of other people in the meantime. She was wearing a cute curly scarf which she said she made with 6 yo's. I had used 9 in mine and it was hard to get the length right. She also asked me to give Roz a ride this week and she would find someone else for December. Then I drove to Publix, dropped off the styrofoam trays, and shopped. When I checked out, the bagger got most of my groceries in the sack. But not the jug of water. So when I carried it out, my water got wet. Ha, ha. I brought it all home, and put the produce away. I looked again for my collection tubs. I got out my HappyLight to brighten my day as I read e-mail and listened to an audio on nutrition for anxiety and depression. I heated some heart broth for lunch, and put some fermented cabbage in it. I finished the audio and looked up fleece again, then gave up when I was finding it priced by the kilogram. Then I looked up hand crank flashlights because the church is looking for items for the homeless. There was another audio on nutrition. I nearly fell asleep. I laid down on the couch for awhile, until the audio finished. Then I put on the Effortless Efficiency CD. I am not certain now exactly what my original purpose was. I cleaned out Chris' closet so that the duct people could get to the air return. But I also cleaned my closet, packed up all the clothes lying on the bed in the guest room, vacuumed around the bed, found some towels that I bought years ago to embroider on, dealt with bags of 'stuff' from nightstands and dusty corners, and packed up the desk area in the den. When I checked my e-mail again, Chris had skyped me. So I responded and we talked for some time. After he hung up, I played a Netflix DVD called “Source Code”. I think I have seen it before so I don't know why I put it in the queue. Or did I? Anyway, when the movie was over, I spent way too long looking at the content of the special effects. And then I went to bed.
*  These are the boxes for Freecycle.  *

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