Saturday, November 15, 2014

An estate sale - 'cause I need more 'stuff' in my house

I slept well and woke up wondering if I had slept late. But no, it was only somewhat after 7. I considered going back to bed. But then I started unloading the dishwasher. I swished while I packed Chris' box of toys for the orphanage. Then I looked up his address for the shipping label and customs. I tried to weigh the package, but the food scale gave me an error message, and the floor scale wasn't accurate enough. I did my exercises and checked e-mail. Then I pushed myself away from the computer, got dressed, and took the box to the post office. There was very little traffic and I could have taken Chris' car. The postal man told me my customs form was out of date. He also said it would have been a little cheaper to use a medium flat rate box. I picked up a flat rate box and new custom forms on the way out. I stopped on the way back to pay the bill at the eye center. I also turned off at an estate sale. When I found myself parked on a hill, I thought it was a good thing I did not take Chris' car. I bought some water glasses that matched mine, and a rolling walker. I brought the stuff home, then went back in Chris' car, parking it at the bottom of the hill. This time I looked through all the books, CD's and clothes. There were lots of history ones that I think Chris would have liked. I found myself hanging up the clothes on the floor and organizing the books and CDs. Old habits die hard. I came home the back way, up and down hills. When I got to my house, I continued on and went around the block for a little more practice. I parked in the carport and brought my bags of books in. Craig was picking up the leaves in our shared area with his riding mower. We talked about leaves and then chickens. I went in to make breakfast, check e-mail, and listen to an audio on liver function. I mowed the leaves in the front yard, then put the mower away and made a stack of boxes in the garage for Freecycle. I was surprised how clean my pingpong/cutting table was after I cleared all the empty boxes. I brought in the mail. Maryann sent me a card with leaves on it – leaves that don't need raking or mowing. I got a new power cord in the mail. Apparently the old one is subject to spontaneous combustion. Pictured are the instructions that came with it; suitable for all languages. There was some daylight left, so I raked leaves inside the fence and pulled up the dead four o'clocks. There must have been a hard frost last night because the tomato and pepper plants were dead, too. The remaining tomatoes were just sacks of green juice, and not very tasty green juice either. The kale looked good, though. I cleaned up the dead stalks in the garden, collecting the fabric strips that held them up, and putting the cages by the apple tree for the winter. The air was so fresh, that I stayed out longer to rake leaves by the apple tree. I stayed out longer than I wanted to because I suspect that mysterious rash on my forehead from last winter is coming back. It must be in the heating system since it appeared in January when the unit was replaced, and disappeared in late April/early May when we turned off the heat for good. I made extra juice, and did twice the usual time meditating. I was listening to an audio when Chris skyped me. While we talked, he folded his laundry which reminded me that I needed to do that too. Parker e-mailed us some pictures so I shared them with Chris and we talked about flooring. After our chat, I picked up laundry from here and there and put it all in the washer. I repaired a pair of pants. Then I finished my audio and read e-mail. I took a box down to the pile, and moved the wet laundry to the dryer. I read more e-mail, and watched a short audio on the blue pigment in food. He mentioned that a moon rainbow is black and white with shades of gray. My hands were really dry, so I rubbed them with coconut oil, and drank water and tea to rehydrate. I watched the Smarter in 7 minutes video, then wrote up my blog post for today.

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