Saturday, January 2, 2010

Let it snow!

Well, I went to bed early but it didn't make it any easier to get up this morning. My back was still not back to normal. But it didn't stop me from spending some quality time with my computer and sewing machine. I divided the baby quilt top into two pieces and put piping and borders on them. I also cleared out my e-mail and spam folders. Major accomplishment. I followed links and learned that the fructose you eat gets turned directly to fat (unlike glucose, which only turns to fat if you don't burn it first.) So any high fructose food is essentially high fat. I also read that what you eat is less important than your emotional state as you eat it.
While going through a pile of wrapping paper I discovered a gift I missed opening. (See, that's why I never throw anything away). It contained a CD, a puzzle book and two tick twisters.
I also took a nap under my purple quilt. I must say, there is nothing more relaxing and satisfying than sleeping under a quilt I made myself! I am only just learning this because A) most of my quilts leave home and B) this is one of the first that is big enough to sleep under.
I looked out the window this morning to see that it had snowed. This is unusual for Seoul because the winters here are dry.

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