Monday, January 11, 2010

A very productive quilting day

I awoke at 8:45. I ran to my computer to see if the lady who gives me rides had sent an e-mail. Yes, she will be waiting inside the gate at 9:15. Yikes! Jump in the shower, dress hurridly, eat quickly, no time for all the vitamins, etc. I grab my pile of stuff put aside the night before and run out the door. Even though I was a little late, we still arrived before 9:30. Ladies began to arrive quickly, and so did a man from AFN. He talked to several people and took pictures, then left. We finished 6 baby quilts and cut kits for at least 10 more. We had our block of the month demo and Show and Tell. Several people took kits home to make tops. We all had lunch together, then cleaned up the room. Pam and I were the last to leave.
We stopped by the post office because she had something to mail and I needed to return a book to one of the ladies at the thrift shop. It worked out perfectly.
Pam dropped me off at my gate and I walked home. In my e-mail were a load of interviews waiting (in video form) and it took until after supper to hear them all. I was hoping to clear out my e-mail and get away from the computer, but one of the links was to a talk by a physicist on the nature of reality and it was almost 3 hours long. Basically, reality ain't what you thought it was. This reality is a learning lab, one of many, and one of the better ones. But you can change labs if you want to and practice at it long enough.
** The quilt in the picture is made of socks. Her 13 year old daughter made it for her at night after she went to bed. Is that clever, or what?

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