Sunday, January 31, 2010

Washed and pressed

Chris went to bed early last night but woke up in the middle of the night. Such is jet lag. He did not wake again in time for church and I let him sleep. So I had breakfast around 10. Then I started ironing my pile of Japanese fabrics. I call them that because I bought them in Japan, but they were made by Hoffman, Kona Bay, etc. Same ones you find in the U.S. I didn't get a lot of e-mail today so I had time to check the supposedly blank recordable CD's I brought home from the thrift shop. Out of 30 only 11 were blank. Some had music and one tried to take over my computer. Two had movies: 'The Cave' and 'Big Fish'. I watched them both, but they were bad copies. 'Big Fish' killed my DVD player. So after that, I watched an old episode of NCIS while ironing all the fabric I bought Friday. For supper Chris baked a hunk of beef. While the rice was cooking, we went to the commissary for groceries.

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