Sunday, January 17, 2010

Second day of freedom

I set my cell phone alarm for 8:45 and at that time it played a melody. It was a nice way to wake up. I showered, dressed and went to church. After church they had a veggie tray, fruit tray and a plate of kimbap. I was able to get lunch out of it. (They also had doughnuts and banana bread) Then I went to the PX for a small toothbrush. I stopped by GNC for a fiber supplement. Interestingly, the Girl Scouts were right outside selling cookies. Then I went over to the salon to get my hair cut. Next was the commissary. I bought salad fixings, but not too many since I leave tomorrow morning for Tokyo. Finally I came home. I listened to more interviews (on the computer), sang along with some songs on Youtube (anybody remember Grandfather's Clock?) and generally thought about packing. I washed my scarf in Michele's bathroom and hung it up to dry. I sewed my purple carry-on to make sure the strap would hold, and thought about packing. I sent e-mails to the group, tried to drain my cell phone battery and AA's so I could completely recharge them, and thought about packing. I fixed my wheeled bag with twist ties, vacuumed the apt, washed the foyer floor and thought about packing. I guess I ought to pack.
I will be gone for 4 days so don't get discouraged when there are no new posts. I will be be back at it with lots to tell on Thursday night.
**This is my m-i-l's birthday present. I assume she has it by now.**

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